John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1031

The New Testament

JOHN. 11--27


29 What My Father has endowed Me with is mighticr than all ; and _¤o_quo is able to wrest hom the hand of My 33 35 Father. The Father and I are one; The judeaus again armed them-

selves with stones, for the purpose of stooing Him. Many are

the beuehceut acts which I have done for youp from the Father; for which of We

will not stone You for a beneiicent work, but for blasphemy ; and because You, although You are but a man, make Yourself out to be a god. Is itnot

written in your own law, I sam, You Am: eons?¤ If they are called odso whom th g, te message came cm God (and the Scripture cannot be set aside), do you say of the ONE Whom the Father has consecrated

36 and sent to the world, ‘You blas· pheme,’ because I said, ‘I am Son

37 of God?’ If I do not carry out the works of My Father, do not believe

38 Me; but if I am carrying them out, although you have no faith in Myself, EE have faith in what I do, in order that you may understand more and more that the Father is one with Me, and I one with the Father. They then made another attempt to

arrest Him; but He escaped from their hands. He accordingly returned once more to the other side of the jordan, to the locality in which john was at first baptizing; and there He stayed. Many persons then came to Him; and they said 'john, in fact, produced no evi-

dence ; but all that john said concern- And many grsons there became believers in im. Wh: Raising nf Eugnrxxs. Lazarus of Bethany, the village of

Mary and her sister Martha, was ill [and she was the Mary who bathed the Lord with perfume, wiping His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill]. The sisters, there Master, Your very dear friend is now ill. jesus, on hearing it, however, re-

This illness is not for death; but, on the contrary, for rectification from God, so that the Son of God _ may be glorified through it.' T Psa. lxxxll. jesus had a friendship with Martha, 5

her sister, and Lazarus. Yet, when 6 He heard that he was sick, I-le still remained two days at the place in which He was; but after that He said to His disciples, “ Let us return again exclaimed His dis-

ciples, “the judeans were just now attempting to stone You ; and are You going there again? ’ ‘ There are twelve hours in the day,

If any one walks in the day, he will not stumble, because he has the light of this world ; but if any one walks inthe night, he stumbles, because the light is not with him. Having said this, He added,

‘ Lazarus, our friend, slumbers; but I am going that I may arouse him. the disciples

he will be jesus, however, referred to his death; but they supposed that He was speaking of refreshing sleep. Then jesus told them plainly,

‘ Lazarus has died; and for your sakes I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. However, let us go to him. Thomas, known as the Twin, there-

Let us go as well, so that we may die So, when jesus arrived, He found

that he had already been four days in the tomb. Bethany was near jeru- salem, about two miles distant; so many from among the judeans had come to console Martha and Mary concerning their brother. Martha, however, when she learned that jesus was coming, went and met Him; but Mary remained in the house. Martha Master, had You been here, my brother would not have died ; but even now I know that what- ever you may ask from God, God will grant You. ‘ Your brother shall rise again} jesus remarked to her. IO II I2 that

he will rise at the resurrection of the last clay. I am the

Resurrection and the Life; whoever believes on Me, although he may die, he will live: and every oneliving and believing in Me shall not die for ever. Do you believe this? ’ was hcr reply; **1 lO3l 16 18 20 2I 22 26

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