and told Mary, her sister, privately: ‘The Teacher stands near, and calls On hearing it, she at once get up,
and came to Him. Now jesus had not as yet entered the village; but was at the spot where Martha met Him. The judeans then who were in her company, consoling her in the house, noticing the haste with which Mary got up and went out, followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to grieve there. Then when Mary came to where jesus was, she fell at His feet on seeing Him, and Master, had You been here, my brother would not have When jesus then saw her grieving,
and the judeans who accompanied her grieving, He was Himself sad and disturbed in spirit; and asked, ‘\Vhere have you laid him ?’ was their reply. jesus wept. See
But Could not He, Who opened the eyes of the blind, also have arranged that this man ? “ should not die jesus, therefore, again sighing in
Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, closed up at the entrance with a stone. ‘ Remove the stone/’ said jesus. Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to Him.: ‘Master, by this time the smell
must be offensive; for this is the fourth day.’ replied jesus,
‘ that if you would believe, you should see the majesty of God P ' They accordingly removed the
stone; when jesus, looking upward, said ‘ Father, I thank You that You
have heard Me. As for Myself,} know that You listen to Me at all times; but I am speaking for the sake of the crowd standing around, so that they may believe that You have sent And having said this, He called
Lazarus, come outl’ 11-57 He who was dead accordingly came 44 out, swathed hand and foot with bandages, and his head wrapped up loosen and let him walk. Many therefore of the judeans who 45 had come to Mary and witnessed what He had done, believed in Him. But 46 some from among them repaired to the Pharisees, and reported to them what jesus had done. Ghz %nul;rnrim in l0l¤uf»1·rnrz. The priests and Pharisees accord~
ingly convened a meeting of theSenate, What shall we do? be- cause this Man produces many evi· dences. lf we should leave Him as He is, all will believe on Him ; and the Romans will come and take from us this place and the nation. But one of themselves, Caiaphas,
who was the High Priest for that You know nothing at all ; nor do you reflect that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the sake of the people, rather than that the whole nation should perish ! ’ $ Qbnmmznt lng ilyz ®lmug2lizt. Now he did not say this from him-
self; but being High Priest that year, he foretold that jesus would be put to death on behalf of the nation [and not for the nation alone, but in order that the scattered children of God might be gathered into one] . From that day they accordingly plotted in what way they could effect His murder. For this reason jesus appeared no longer publicly among the judeans; but retired to the country near the desert, to a village called Ephraim and He continued there along with His disciples. Sfifily Mlisit in Qlzrusnlrnr. The jewish Passover was approach-
ing; and many went up to jerusalem from that part, prior to the Passover, in order that they might purify them- selves. They therefore searched for jesus ; and, while standing in the temple, they remarked to each other, ‘ What do you think? Will He not come to the festival ? ’ The chief priests and the·Pharisees,
however, had issued instructions that if any one was acquainted with His whereabouts, he should report it, in order that they might arrest Him. 1032 47 49