John - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1033

The New Testament

12-—x jOHN.

jesus at iistlynugz Marg'; _ _ _ §2h¤ii¤u. 12 jesus, however, six days prior to II the Passover, came to Bethany, where La.zarus was, whom jesus had raised from among the dead. They therefore prepared a dinner for Him there. Martha. superintended; but Lazarus was one of the guests who reciined with Him. Then Mary, having pro- vided a pound of the essence of pure nard, which was very valuable, bathed the feet of jesus, wiping them with her hair; and the house was Filled with the perfume of the essence. judas of Iscariot, however, one of His own disciples who was about to betray Why was not this essence sold for thirty pounds, and given to the poor ? Now he did not say this because

he himself cared anything about the poor; but because he was a thief, and keeper of the purse, carrying all that was put in it. Leave her

alone! so that she may keep it for the day of My burial; for you have the poor with you always, but Me you have not always! The masses of the judeans, hearing

then where He was, flocked to the place; not merely for the sake of jesus, but also in order that they might see Lazarus, whom He had raised from among the dead. But the chief priests plotted to murder Lazarus as well; because, on account 0-f him, many left the judeans, and believed on jesus. Wye Kegel ®xtt1·g iuiu §Izru¤aI2m. iz


Loan, Ann rua Kms or IsxAm.. to what is written: FEAR Nor, navoursrz or Zion! Sas! Yoon Kmc; comes, Ass! 2 On the following day a large crowd,

who had come to the festival, learning that jesus was coming to jerusalem, plucked branches from the palm trees, and went out to meet Him, shouting: HosANNA! Brass run ONE Commc; ru run NAME or rue

Then jesus, having found a young

ass, seated Himself upon it, according S1*r‘r1NG UPON THE FOAL or AN Now, His disciples did not compre·

bend this at the time ; but when jesus 12*-34 Psa. exviii. 26. * Zech. ix. g. was exalted, they called to mind that this was recorded concerning Him, and that this had been done to Him. The crowd also, who had accompanied Him, gave evidence that He had called Lazarus out of the tomb, and had raised him from among the dead. It was for this reason also that the crowd went and met Him, because they heard that He had produced that proof. The Pharisees therefore said among

Do you not see that you are gaining nothing? All the world is going after Him l ’ ®r22kz Desire tu sez §zsus. There were also some Greeks among

those who had come up to worship at the festival. These, therefore, applied to Philip, a native of Bethsaida, of We would Philip came and told Andrew; Andrew, in turn, came with Philip and told jesus. said jesus,

when the Son of Man will be honoured. Most assuredly I tell you. that if a grain of wheat, thrown into the ground, does not arise from its bed, it remains alone; but if it arise, it bears much fruit. The lover of his life loses it; and who- ever despises his life in this world will preserve it for life eternal. If any one would serve Me, let him be- come My follower; and where I am. there My servant will also be. If any one serves Me, the Father will honour him. My soul is now in distress; and what do I say? ‘ Father, deliver Me from this hour ’ ? On the contrary, I came to this hour for this very pur- pose. ‘ Father, glorify Your own Then a voice from heaven said:

' I have both glorified it, and I will The crowd standing by, who heard it, however, remarked, An angel has spoken with Him} This

voice has not come for My own sake, but for yours. Now is the crisis of this world; now the Prince of this world will be expelled. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I shall He said this, however, illustrative of the death He was about to die. The crowd, therefore, remarked to

We have heard out of the |033 x 8 20 21 22 26 28 33 34

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