with you for a little while longer; walk while you possess the Light, so that darkness may not overtake you. The traveller in the dark does not know where he is going. While you oossess the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Eh: Mnlrziizf nf ily: iuhzsms. Having made these remarks, }esus
took His departure, withdrawing from them privately; for although He had produced so many evidences before them, yet they did not believe in Him: so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be verified, which said: LORD, wx-10 HAS BELIEVE:) 0UR STATEMENT, AND 1*0 WHOM WAS THE ARM or THE LORD REVEALED? gg For this reason they were not able to believe, because Isaiah further said : 43 45 THEIR EvEs WERE Bunn, AND ‘rHE1R HEART DEGENERATED;
S0 THAT ruev sez Nor wu}: THEIR EYES, AND UNDERSTAND Nor wrrn THEIR HEART, AND RETURN, THAT I 1vI1cmT EEA:. THEM! [Isaiah said this when he saw His rectifying power, and spoke concern· ing Him. Even among the nobles, indeed, many believed on Him; but on account of the Pharisees they did not acknowledge it, lest they should be expelled from the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men more than the approbation of God.] M3: ink': Gummunh in lrzlizizz in ®ub. jesus then raising His voice, said:
‘ Let the believer in Me not believe on Me, but rather on My Sender; then whoever sees Me will see My Sender. I have come a Light into the world; so that every one believing in Me may not continue in the dark, ness. And if any one should hear My statements, and fail to observe them, I do not condemn him; be- cause I do not come to the world to condemn the world, but so that I I Isaiah liii. r. W Isaiah vi. xo. might save the world. Whoever re- 48 jects Me, and will not accept My declarations, is self-condemned; the message which I declared will itself convict him at the last day. For I 49 have not spoken from Myself; but the Father Himself _Who sent Me has given Me an order, what I should declare, and what I should publish. And I know that His order is life 5o eternal. Whatever I therefore say, I say it in accordance with the Father’s instruction to Me.‘ Texas Waslying the Qisriplzsf Int. Now, prior to the festival of the I3 Passover, jesus, knowing that His hour had come—~the time fordeparture from this world to the Father——having loved His friends in the world, He loved them to the end. And during supper-·-—the Devil having already put it into the heart of judas Simon of Iscariot that he should betray Him knowing that the Father had given everything into His hands, and that He had come from God, and was re· turning to God; He arose from the table, and putting off His robes and taking a towel, wrapped it round Him. Then He poured water into the basin, and began to wash the feet of the dis- ciples, wiping them with the towel with which He was wrapped. He came thus to Simon_Peter, who said Master, do You mean to wash my feet ?’ ‘ What I am doing you do not un-
said jesus, in reply to but you will understand it afterwards. ‘ You shall never at any time wash said Peter. replied you have no part with Me. said
but also my hands and my head. jesus re
only requires to have his feet washed; the rest of his body being perfectly clean. And you are clean, For He knew His You are not all clean. Then when He had washed their
feet, and taken His robes, and re- clined again, He said to them : Do you know what I have done
to you? You call Me Teacher and Master: and you speak correctly, because I am so, lf I, then, the l034 IO II I2