Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1071

The New Testament

20---20 MATTH E\V. and crucified; but the third day He 20 2I 22 28 will rise again} 3 £I¤tI;2r’¤ Qzqussi. Then the mother of the sons of

Zebedee approached Him with her sons; and kneeling, asked Him to grant her a favour. He asked her. that

these my two sons may sit, one upon Your right, and the other upon Your left, in Your Kingdom! ‘You know not what you ask! Are you able to drink the cup which I am about to drink? and to be baptized with the baptism I shall be baptized with ? ’ was their reply. You shall

certainly drink of My cup, and be baptized with the baptism I am bap- tized with ; but to sit upon My right and upon My left is not Mine to grant, except to those for whom it is pre- pared by My Father! When the ten heard this, they were

indignant about the two brothers. But jesus, calling them to Him, said : ‘ You know that the rulers of the heathen lord it over them, and their strong ones oppress them; but it must not be so among you. On the contrary, whoever desires to be pro- moted among you, let him be your attendant; and whoever may desire to take rank among you, let him be your servant: just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give up His own life as a ransom for many! ®gesigI;t for Mun @1inh mm. 33 Son of David l ’ Me to do for you ? ’ When they were leaving jericho, a

great crowd followed Him. And two blind men, who were sitting by the roadside, learning that jesus was pass- Have mercyupon us, Master, Son of David l ’ And the crowd ordered them to be silent; but they merely called out the Pity us, Master, Then jesus, standing still, spoke to

What do you wish that our eyes may be re—opened.' jesus, full of pity, accordingly

touched their eyes; and at once they saw again: and they follbwed Him. 21--1 5

Wl]: iiugnl ®¤irg into brusnlzm. Now when they were nearing jeru· 21 salem, and ha;d__coxne to Bethphage, at the toot of the Mount of Olives, jesus sent forward two of His dis- ciples, saying to them : ‘Go into the village before you,

and you will find an ass tied ready, and a colt along with her; loosen, and bring them to Me. And should any one speak to you about it, say in reply, ' The Master has need of them ’; and at once he will send them.’ And all this occurred in order that

the statement might be verified which was delivered through the prophet, saying, SAY T0 THE DAUGHTER 0F ZIQN, Sen! vous Kms comes ro You HUMBLY, AND s1TT1NG UPON AN Ass, WITH A COLT, A roar. or A nnasr or Bonner: I i His disciples then went and did just

as jesus had ordered them; leading the ass and the colt, upon which they placed their cloaks, and He seated Himself upon them. And the mass of the people spread their own cloaks along the road, while others plucked branches from the trees, and scattered them upon the path ; and the crowd going on before, and following in the rear, called out, exclaiming, Hosamza ro run Son or Davml BLEssE1> xs THE ONE WH0 c0MEs m THE NAME oF THE Loan; HosANNA Flzom THE HIGHEST 1* And when He had entered jeru-

salem, all the city became excited, To this the He is jesus the Prophet, Who comes from Nazareth of Galilee} Mlzariug md the Wzmplr. Then jesus entered the temple of

God; and sent out of the temple all the buyers and sellers, and over- turned the tables ofthe money—brokers, and the stands of the pigeon dealers, It is recorded, MY HoUsE SHALL BE CALLED A Housz 0F PRAYER;3 but YOU HAVE TURNED 4 They also brought blind and lame people into the temple, and He cured them. But the chief priests and professors,

observing the miracles which He Zech. ix. . ’ Psalm cxviii. 25, 26. l i Isa. lv7. * jer. vii. 11. IOYI I0 II 12

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1071

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