returning to the city, He became hungry; and seeing a fig-tree by the roadside, He went to it, but found nothing upon it except leaves. He Never from now And at once the §g·tree began to wither. And the disciples, seeing it, won-
How quickly that tig—tree has dried up jesus answered
if you possessed faith, and never doubted, you could do not only what has been done to the fig-tree, but more; were you to say to this hill, ‘ Remove, and be Hung into the seal ' it would be done; and all that you ask believingly in prayer, you shall Qlirznzniials Ezmnnhzh. Now on His entering the temple,
the chief priests and elders of the people approached Him, while He By what authority do You act in this way; and who gave You that authority P jesus, replying to them, said, “I
also will ask you just one question; which, if you can answer Me, I, in return, will tell you under whose authority I am working. The baptism of john, whence was it; from heaven, or from men ? ’ They accordingly consulted among
If we should reply, ‘From heaven} He will ask us, ‘ Why then did you not believe him ? ' But if weshould say, 'From men,’ we must reckon with the public; for all regard john as a prophet} Returning t en to jesus, they said, I Psa. viii. 2.
said jesus in reply
tell you by whose authority I am acting. Wiz Mun Suns. But what do you think? A man
had two sons; and coming to the elder one, he said, ‘ Son, go and work to—day in my vineyard! ‘ I will not,’ was his answer; but he afterwards repented, and went. Then going to his second son, he said the same. ‘ I go, father} was his reply ; but he did not go. Which of these two did the will of his father ?’ they replied. I
tell you indeed, that the extortioners and harlots will precede you into the Kingdom of God. For john came to you on a mission of righteousness, and you put no faith in him; but the ex- tortioners and the harlots believed in him; while you, looking on, did not repent after all to believe him. Glyn Wirkrb Wznauis. Listen to another illustration : A
particular landowner planted a vine- yard, fenced it round about, and in it dug a wine—vat, and erected a watch- tower; then he let it out to tenants, and went on upon a journey. But when the season arrived for the fruit to be ripe, he sent his servants to the cultivators for the rents. ‘ The tenants, seeing the servants,
maltreated one of them, murdered another, and stoned a third. He sent again, and a larger number than on the first occasion ; but they were treated in the same way. Afterwards he sent his own son to them, saying, They will respect my son l ’ The
tenants, seeing him, however, said among themselves, ‘ This is the heir; come on, let us murder him,.and seize his estate l ’ Laying. hold of him, they accordingly kicked him out of the vine- yard, and murdered him. Therefore, when the owner ofthe vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? In their
wickedness he will end them according to their deserts; and will let out his vineyard to other tenants, who will pay him, at the appointed time, that which Have you never read in the Scriptures P A STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, 1072 28 33 34 35 37 39