Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1073

The New Testament

MATTHEW. 21-43


THAT HAS BEEN FITTED AS THB Cmzv KEYs‘r0NE.; Ir c.».ME mom Tux LORD, AND IT IS WONDERFUL IN OUR mms.! 43, **1 therefore te}! you, that the King- dom of God shall be taken from you, and will be given to a. nation that pr0·

44 duces its fruits. And whoever falls upon this Stone shall be broken; but upon whoever it falls, it will crush him to dust} 45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they perceived that He spoke about them—

46 selves; but when they desired to ap- prehend Him, they dreaded thc public, who held that He was a prophet. myc Kngal webbing Qanquet. 22 jesus, addressing them again, and speaking in parables, said The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king, who prepared a wedding banquet

3 for his son. And he sent his officers to collect those who were invited to the marriage; but they declined the

4 invitation. Then he again sent other officers, commanding, ‘ Say to the in- vited, Consider that I have prepared my banquet; my bullocks and fat calves are killed, and everything is ready: come then to the marriage.

5 But treating the matter with contempt, they went off, one to his own farm,

6 and another to his shop; while the others, seizing the oliicers, maltreated

7 and murdered them. The king, on learning this, became furious; and sending his troops, he destroyed those murderers, and pillaged their city. He then said to his oiiicers, ‘ The marriage is ready, but those invited

9 were unworthy of it. G0 out, there- 10 II I2 fore, to the main roads, and as many as you can End, bring them in to the marriagef Those officers, going out into the main roads, accordingly col- lected all they could {ind, both bad and good; and the wedding was filled with guests. But the king entering to look at the guests, he observed a man who was not wearing a marriage robe ; and he said to him, ‘ How, my good fellow, did you get in here with~ out a wedding robe?’ He, however, remained silent. The kingthen said to his attendants, 'Tie him hand and foot; take him and fling him into the 1 Psalm cxviii. zz, 23. darkness without; there will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth! For 14 many are called, but few chosen. Eriltutz-munity as a Wrap. The Pharisees then went and held 15 aconsultation among themselves, how they might ensnare Him in a discus- sion. And they sent to Him some of x6 their own pupils along with the Teacher, we see that You are true, and that You teach the way of God in truth, caring nothing about any one; because You do not look at human position. Therefore tell us, What do You think? Is it right to pay tribute to Cmsar, or jesus, however, perceiving their

You impostors! Why do you try to entrap Me? They accordingly produced a denarius. Whose por— trait and inscription has it? ‘ was their reply. He then told them,

‘Caesar’s own to Cmsar; and God’s dues to God I And hearing this, they were aston·

ished; and leaving Him, they went away. Ghz Subburznrf gihicullg. During that same day, the Sad-

ducees, who say there is no resur- rection, approached Him, asking: I`eacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies childless, his brother shall marry his widow, and shall raise up seed 18 21 22

for his brother! There were in our 25 part seven brothers: and the first, after marrying, died childless, and left the woman to his brother; and the second, in turn, to the third, up to the seventh. And after them all the woman also died. In the resurrection, therefore, to which of the seven will she be wife? for all of them had her.‘ said jesus in

through not com— prehending the Scriptures, nor yet the power of God. For in the resur- rection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as angels of God in heaven. Respecting the resurrection of the dead, however, have you not read the statement from God to you, which says. I AM IBB GOD OF ABRAHAM, AND THE GOD Wozttb about as. Gd. M 2 1073 26 28

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1073

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