Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 114

The Five Books of Moses


the day after; but the 1·ema.i¤der_tp | pr a.§ liberty;-·pu¤is{hme;1t ghall got the third day you sha.11 bum with

7 fire. And if anyone cats of it on the third day, it is worthless, and will not

8 be accepted, and the cate: of it shall bear his fault, for he profanes the holiness of the EvER—L1v1NG ; so that person shall be excluded from his family. And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not continue cutting to the sides of your field, cut~ ting and gleaming; you shall not cut

xo the gleanings. And. you shall not strip your vineyard; nor shall you glean the scatterings of your vine· yard. You shall leave them for the poor, and the foreigner. I am your EVER·LIVING GOD. You shall not rob; and you shall not deceive; and you shall not lie

rz each to his neighbour; and you shall not swear by My Name to a lie; and disgrace the Name of your Gon. I 16 18 20 am the EvER—L1v1NG. ‘ And you shall not oppress; and

you shall not plunder; nor retain the wages of a workman with yourself until the morning. ‘ You shall not curse the deaf; and

before the blind you shall not place a stumb1ing—block; but you shall fear your Gon. I am the Evnn-1.1v1No. ‘ You shall not do wrong instead of

justice. You shall not despise the face of the lowly, and honour the face of the great. You shall judge your neighbour in righteousness. ‘ You shall not go about slandering your neighbour. ‘You shall not lie in wait for the

blood of your neighbour. I am the ‘You shall not hate your brother in your heart. ‘ You may reprove your neighbour, but not bear ilI—will against him. You shall not take revenge upon

the child of your neighbour; but you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the EVER-L1v1NG. ‘ You shall preserve My Institutions. ‘ You shall not yoke together different kinds of cattle; ‘ You shall not sow in your field mixed kinds of seed; ‘And you shall not put on yourself cloth woven of different materials. And anyone who lies with a

woman in pouring of seed, and she was enslaved as a slaye to the man, and was not free as a free woman, be given to her; she shall not be killed; for she was not free. But she shall bring to the Evan-:.1vmo to the door of the Hall of Assembly a ram for asin~offering, and the priest shall expiate for her before the EvnR· Lxvmo with the ram as a sin-offering, for the sin which she has sinned, and the sin which she has sinned shall be forgiven. ‘ When you arrive in the land, and

plant any tree for food, you shall consecrate its fruit. It shall remain upon it three years for a consecration. You shall not eat of it. But in the fourth year all its fruits shall be devoted as thanks to the EvER~ Lrvmo. But inthe nfth year you may eat its fruit; its produce shall be for yourselves. I am your EVER- Lxvmo Gon. You shall not eat anything with its blood. ‘ You shall not worship serpents. ‘ You shall not worship clouds. You shall not cut off the beard on

your cheeks; and you shall not destroy the beard of your chin. ‘ You shall not make tattooings on

your flesh for spirits, nor put written brands upon yourselves. I am the Ev1zR·L1v1NG. ‘ You shall not pollute your

daughters to whoredom; by causing them to whore, and filling the country with wickedness. ‘ You shall keep My Sabbaths, and

you shall reverence Mysacred things. I am the Evnrenivino. ‘ You shall not turn to spirits; or

to fortune~tellers, to inquire of them, to sin with them. I am your EVER- Livmc Gon. ‘ You shall rise up before the grey-

headed, and pay respect to the presence of a judge, and reverence to your Gon. I ani the Evmv.—r.1v1NG. ‘ And when a foreigner resides in

your land you shall not oppress him. As it is withyou natives, so it shall be with the foreigners among you; you shall love them as yourselves; for you were foreigners in the land of the Mitzeraim. I am your EvnR· Livino Gon. ‘ You shall not. -do wrong, in

measuring as to length, weight, or measure. You shall have a true scale, true weights, a true bushel, a true gallon. I am your Event


22 26 28 33 34 35 Lxvmo Gon Who brought you out of IL}
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0114

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