Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 115

The Five Books of Moses



37 the land of the Mitzcraim, therefore ycu shall keep the whole of My Institutions, and all My Dccrees, and practise them. I am the EVER- @32 Em against ihnlairg. 20 The Evan-1.1v1N<; alsp spoke to Moses, commanding; Speak to the children of Israel, to each one of the sons of Israel, and to IO II I2 the foreigners,-—··the foreigners among Israel. Whoever gives their oHspring to Molok, they shall be killed ;—-the People of the country shall stone them with stones. And I will place My face against that person, and will cut him off from his people for giving his offspring to Molok, to defxle MY Homwass, and to pollute MY Hour NAME. And if, to conceal it, the people of the country cover their eyes from the person who gives his olf- spring to Molok, to destroy him in death, I, however, will set My face against that person, and destroy him, and cut him off, with all those who whore after him, whoring after Molok ; from the midst of their people. Earns uf §mxte¤tic Nuraliig. 1`he person also who turns t0

spirits, and to wizards! to whore after them ;-—-—I will put My face against that person, and will excommunicate him from the midst of his people; for you shall make yourselves holy, and be holy, for I am your EVER-LIVING Gon. Therefore you shall preserve My Institutions, and practise them. I the Evan-1,1vmo must make you Holy. ‘ Whatever person outrages his

father or his mother, let him be put to death. The blood of the outrager of his father or mother is upon himself. I`he man who commits adultery

with a wife; the man who commits adultery with the wife of his neighbour, shall be killed ;—-—both the adulterer and adulteress. ‘The man who copulates with a

wife of his father, uncovering the sexuality of his father ;-——they shall both die ;-—their blood is on them- selves. I` he man who copulates with his

daughter-in-law ;·——both, who have done that villany, shall die. Their blood is upon themselves. 1 Heb. : F0rtune·tellers.··-F. F. ‘ And the man who copulates with

a. male, with the copulation of a woman, commits abomination. They shall both die. Their blood is on themselves. ‘ And the man who takes a woman

and her mother. It is wickedness. They shall burn him in fire with them. T hat wickedness shall not be in the midst of you. ‘ And the man who copulates with

a beast shall be killed; and the beast shall be slaughtered. ‘ And the woman who approaches

to a beast, to copulate with it, with the copulation of a woman, both the beast and she shall be killed. Their blood is on themselves. ‘ And the man who takes his sister,

the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother, and sees her sexuality, and she sees his sexuality, they are disgraceful, and shall be excommunicated in the sight of their people. He shall bear his sin for uncovering the sexuality of his sister. ‘And a man who copulates with a

sick woman, and uncovers the naked- ness of her fount upon her,--and uncovers the fount of her blood ; both shall be cut oil` from association with their people. ‘You shall not uncover the sexu-

ality of the sister of your mother, or the sister of your father, for they are his flesh. Whoever uncovers them shall bear their sin. ‘ The man who copulates with his

aunt, uncovering the sexuality of his aunt, they shall each bear their sin. They shall be killed openly. ‘ And the man who takes the wife

of his brother, in uncovering the sexuality of his brother; they shall be exposed. ‘Thus you shall keep all My Insti-

tutions, and all My Decrees, and shall practise them, and then the land that I will bring you to as a residence will not spew you out. Thus you shall not conduct_ yourselves according to the customs of the heathen whom I shall drive out from before you, for they practised all these things in their land, therefore I promised you you should inherit their country, and I will give to you the inheritance of that land iiowing with milk and honey. I am your Evan-Livmo Gon, Who will destroy them from among the nations.



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The History of the People of Israel