the clean animals and the unclean, and between the unclean birds and the clean; and you shall not pollute your lives with animal or bird, or any reptile of the field, which I have pointed out to you as unclean ; but you shall be healthy before Me, for I, the EvEx~r.1v1Ne, am How, and have separated you from the nations, to be for MYSELF. Therefore the man or women who possesses a. spirit, or e foreteller, shall be put to death. They shell be stoned with stones. Their blood is upon themselves! Znius as in ily: £I¤1xrning uf Qrizsiz
Speak to the priests the sons of Aaron, and com- mand them, that they shall not defxle themselves for their relatives. Not even for a near blood relation of them‘;——for their mother, or for their father, or fortheir son, or for their daughter, or for their brother, or for their sister, or their dearest loved daughter who has not been to a man to wed he1·;~———he shall not debase, or degrade himself with grief. ‘ They shall not shave strips upon
their heads, nor shave off their whiskers, nor cut gashes on their bodies. They are sacred to their Goo; and shall not lower the N AME of their GOD; for they offer bread to the EVER-LXVING their GOD; they offer themselves, and they shall be healthy marriage Ente nf ¥riz¤is. ’I`liey shall not take for a wife a whore, or a loose woman; and they shall not marry a woman who has been_divorc:ed; for they_are holy to IO IX the Evan-Lxvmo. And they shall keep themselves holy, as an offering to your GOD. He who approaches the Holy must be the same; for I And the daughter of a priest who
defnles herself with whoredom-·she defiles her father. You shall burn her with fire. ‘The chief priest, also, over his
brothers, upon whose head has been poured the Oil of Consecration and his hand hlled by the investiture of the robes, shall not neglect his head, and shall not neglect his robes, and never disorder his person for a death ;——·~not if it comes to his father, or his mother,-—··shall he degrade himself; nor shall he go from the sanctuary; nor shall he wail ;-~for he has been separated by the Oil of Consecration to his Gon. I am the EvER·L1vxNG. Therefore he shall take a maiden for his wife. He shall not take a widow, or a divorced woman, or one abandoned to whore- dom, any of them, but he shall take a wife only from the virgins of his own people. He shall not degrade his race, or his family; for I the EVER·L1v1NG have sanctihed it.' Qalnsnf ilyz Eigl; §riz¤tlg Surrzsstun. The Evanmivrno also spoke to Moses saying ;—- ‘ Speak to Aaron, and say;——Any
man from the offspring of your posterity who may be disfigured shall not approach to offer bread to his GOD. For any man in whom there is a defect shall not approach; anyone blind, or lame, or iiatanosed, or deformed; or a man who has a broken leg; or a broken hand, or humpbacked; or a dwarf, or squint- eyed, or scurvied, or scabbed, or defective in his testicles ;——any man of the race of Aaron the priest in whom there may be a defect shall not approach to present offerings to the Evan-L1v1Ne;—-· because of his defect he shall not approach to present bread .to his Gon. It is the I2 16 18 20 21 22 Bread of GOD for them, Holy of Holies, and the healthy shall eat it. He shall also not come within the 23 veil, nor approach tothe altar, because `of his defect, so as not to profane Mw Houunss; for I am the Evmz— Lxvxno Sancrimaiw Moses consequently spoke this to 24 Aaron and his sons, and to all the children of Israel. Qnmzstir isles fur §rizstz. The EvER·r.:vme also spoke to 22 Moses, commanding; ‘ Speak to Aaron and his sons, and z separate them, as consecrated, from the children of Israel, so that they may not delile My HOLY NAME by which they are sanctified to Me. I am the Evmz·L1vmG. ‘Say,to them, for their posterity, 3 Every man of all your race who ap~ preaches to the sanctuary which the children of Israel have sanctified to the Evan-Livmo, whilst there is nn- 116