10 Ark of the Covenant} But the priests 11 12 16 18 who carried the Ark stood stil} in the middle of the jordan until the accom· plishment of all the things that the EvER—L1V1NG commanded joshua to instruct thc people to do, exactly as Moses had commanded joshua. Then the forces, hastened and passed over. When, however, the whole of the forces had finished crossing, then the Ark of the EVER·1,1v·1NG and the priests passed in the presence of the forces. But the heroes ofthe sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad,and the half tribe of4Manasseh, preceded the children of Israel, as GOD had com- manded Moses; Their army of forty thousand armed men passed before the EVER-Livmc to the war, by the fords of jeriko. On that day the EVER-1.1vmo made
joshua great in the eyes of all Israel, and they feared him, as they had feared Moses all his life. Then the Even-1.1vmo spoke to
Order the priests who carried the Ark into the ford to come up from the jordan. So joshua ordered the priests; And when the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant of the EVER-LIVING ascended from the middle of the jordan-—when the soles of the feet of the priests touched the dry land,·—-then the waters of r the torrent returned from above and went as formerly over all its banks! (B.c. 1451.) 20 21 22 Thus the forces ascended from the
jordan on the tenth of the first month, and encamped in Gilgal tothe east of jeriko; and the twelve stones that were taken from the jordan joshua erected in Gilgal, and spoke to the When your children ask you hereafter enquiring, ‘What are these stones?’ you shall inform your children that they are a memorial that the jordan was dried up at the passage of the sons of Israel, when our EVER-LIVING GOD caused the water of the torrent to dry before us until we crossed, as our EvER—L1v1No Gon did to the Red Sea, which He caused to dry up before And they are there to this dav ” is an edit6r’s note, probably by Ezra.--F. F. PERIOD OF jOSHUA. 5-8 us until we had crossed over, so that 24 all the Peoples of the country might learn how strong the hand of the Loan is ;-—-so that they might fear our Evan-1,1vmo God at all times. (ac. 1451.) Ezrrur uf the Qiugs uf ®anatt. But when all the kings of the
Amcrites who are beyond the jordan towards the west, and all the kings of the Cananites who were along the sea, heard how the Evmz~L1vmG had caused the waters of the jordan to dry before the children of Israel-, until they had passed over, their hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in them before the children of Israel. Qnrlyuas dirrumcisiun uf the §2¤;rlz# luiil; Sintra Qinihrs. At this time the EvE1z—L1v1No said
Make for yourself stone knives, and remove the foreskin of So joshua prepared stone knives and circumcised the children of Israel at the Hill oflCircumcision. And this event was joshuais circumcision. All the full-grown who came out
from among the Mitzeraim, ——the men of military age,——died in the desert on the journey coming from Mitzeraim, for all the people who came out were circurncised~—but all the people who were born in the desert during the journey from Mitzeraim, were not circumcised. For the children of Israel travelled for forty years in the desert until all the generation of men of military age, who came out. of Mitzerairn, had died, because they would not listen to the voice of the EvEn·1.1v1No; so the Evan-L1v1No swore to them that they should not see the country which He had pro- mised to Abraham to give to us,—·#a land Howing with milk and honey. Therefore joshua circumcised the
children that had grown up after them, for they were foreskinned, because they had not been circum- cised during the journey. But whilst they were completing the circumcision 1 Note on v. 2, ch.· 5. May not the Hint
knives found in ancient graves be those used. by tribes who also practised circumcision, and not knives for domestic use, as archaeologists imagine ?~·—-F. F. -..£