Oxms 5, 6, 7, Boox II. » :ISAIAH.I2T3$5x6x8202I222326Cn. 3.When to him comes the work of his hands!By Children My Race is oppressed;And over them Women bear rule;My People, your Leaders betray,———·_ Those who should guide you divert from the road !But jehovah will rise to defend,And establish the popular right;T he LORD for His People will come,To do justice on Princes and Chiefs,For you have devoured their farm,And your homes hold the spoil of the poor.How dare you My people crush down,And grind on the face of the weak?Asks the Loran EVER-Lxvmo in might.One 6.$ Warning in ibn mmnzu uf Zinn. Why Zion’s girls are proud,And walk withiheughty necks, and roving wanton eyes,And mincing in their step, and pattering with their feet?So my Prince wi1l—strip· the skull of Zion’s daughters bareAnd the Loma expose their shame.My Prince then take away the turba¤’s wreathing rolls,Along with pretty lace, and wide encircling skirts,And drops and curls and veils,And bracelets and their boots;And puffs and bags of scent,Charms and seals and forehead drops;The costly shawls and cloaks and girdles and their claspsAnd hats and lovely knots.And instead of scents be stink, and in place of girdles ropes •Baroness replacing plaits, instead of wrappers, sacks,And a brand in beauty’s place!Your men fall by the sword, and your mighty in the war,And her gates lament and mourn; she sits, lonely on the groundSeven women then will seize a single man and cry;‘ We will eat of our bread, and will clothe in our dress,Only give your name to us, to take off our reproach I'One 7.®n¤iJ gllzinz hill! §r¤¤pzri‘ig.,pr¤mizzh, la Elsrazl.Yet again the LoRn’s Plant shall be graceful and grand,And the fruits of his land be delightfully fairTo Israel returning.Then the fragments of Zion, jerusalem’s wreckageTo Him shall live sacred enrolled in jerusalem.When the Prince washes filth from the daughters of Zion,And the blood from the clasp of ]erusalem’s-hands,By the spirit of justice and spiritof fire!And the Loan spread on the Walls and the Fanes of Mount ZionA cloud in the day, and bright fire at night,And splendour dershadowthe whole,As a sheltering tent in the day from the heat,And a refuge and covering from stormand from rain.420