You luxurious women,-—rise up, hear my voice, Hear my speech, idle girls! Long years you shall suffer, my girls; ` For the vintage has failed, The fruit gathering has passed; You luxurious, tremble;-—you idle girls, shake,—·- Strip bare, put on sackcloth, And mourn on the fields, On the beautiful plain, O’er the broken-down Vine! On the lands of My People the sharp thorn shall spring, Onlall pleasant houses, all homes of delight; With the Palace forsaken, the ’1`own~house a ruin ; The Cottage and Villa both stripped for an age; Long the joy of wild Asses and nibbling flocks. Until from on high comes the Spirit to rouse us, When the Waste will be fertile, and look like a woodland, And justice inhabitthe Desert, and Righteousness Carmel. And the product of Righteousness will become Peace, And Good work for ever, in hope,_and secure and safe; And My People reside in sweet homes. With security, comfort and pleasure, And the City descend to the slopes, With a town on the flat of the plain; And the sowers by all streams shall be happy, Who work with the Ox and the Assl ODE 51. ml]! QUUIH Hf .®p]!1‘25§U1°$_ Woe, Plunderer unplundered, and Robber not robbed! When you cease plundering,——y011rself will be plundered, When your robbing is ended, Your plunder be gathered, as gathers the locust; Like the gobblers collect for themselves. Loan, to us show mercy,-g—our hope is in You ; Be our strength in the dawn,·—··yes, save us when distressed. Nations Hed from the sound of Your voice ; From Your grandeur the Heathen dispersed. The HIGH Loan Who dwe11s_up-above, Will fill Zion with justice and Right. Make Truth her honour; Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge, her strength, And her Treasure,-—the fear of the Loma. Ch 33, v. 4. This verse is misplaced in the Hebrew 449 IO Il I2 16 18 20 83