Isaiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 449

The Books of the Prophets

Oxms 49, 50, 5:, Bccx I. ISAIAH. CH. 32. And then shall uuseciug eyes sec; and the deaf ears shall hear, 3 *r1·.¤ ··».»»h 1·¤»···+~1 1~····· -··~-··-·— --4 M-- ·-·-· ·° ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘' J. uc 14uu-uczu wu Lczuu $81156, EDU LDB IO!1gl1B·t1Bd Spéak plain, n·•\.,..... 4.1... \....-4.- -1.-11 A • -- · A wen me nrure snau no more be called noble, And the rascal no longer named honest, For the brute is a brute in his language and heart, Does low and vile acts, and dispules with the Loan, , Leads the faint souls astray,—-tumslthe thirsty from water: Plans to tangle the poor, use the schemes of the bad, By false speeches, and lying, defrauding of justice. But the Noble plans nobly, and on his virtue will rise. Om: 50. wb: §in uf izumlztiuxnxrg.

You luxurious women,-—rise up, hear my voice, Hear my speech, idle girls! Long years you shall suffer, my girls; ` For the vintage has failed, The fruit gathering has passed; You luxurious, tremble;-—you idle girls, shake,—·- Strip bare, put on sackcloth, And mourn on the fields, On the beautiful plain, O’er the broken-down Vine! On the lands of My People the sharp thorn shall spring, Onlall pleasant houses, all homes of delight; With the Palace forsaken, the ’1`own~house a ruin ; The Cottage and Villa both stripped for an age; Long the joy of wild Asses and nibbling flocks. Until from on high comes the Spirit to rouse us, When the Waste will be fertile, and look like a woodland, And justice inhabitthe Desert, and Righteousness Carmel. And the product of Righteousness will become Peace, And Good work for ever, in hope,_and secure and safe; And My People reside in sweet homes. With security, comfort and pleasure, And the City descend to the slopes, With a town on the flat of the plain; And the sowers by all streams shall be happy, Who work with the Ox and the Assl ODE 51. ml]! QUUIH Hf .®p]!1‘25§U1°$_ Woe, Plunderer unplundered, and Robber not robbed! When you cease plundering,——y011rself will be plundered, When your robbing is ended, Your plunder be gathered, as gathers the locust; Like the gobblers collect for themselves. Loan, to us show mercy,-g—our hope is in You ; Be our strength in the dawn,·—··yes, save us when distressed. Nations Hed from the sound of Your voice ; From Your grandeur the Heathen dispersed. The HIGH Loan Who dwe11s_up-above, Will fill Zion with justice and Right. Make Truth her honour; Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge, her strength, And her Treasure,-—the fear of the Loma. Ch 33, v. 4. This verse is misplaced in the Hebrew 449 IO Il I2 16 18 20 83

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