Cu. 33.
(mx 52, Boox I.
Om: 52.
Zumzni mt Szuztkzrilfs Qrzarly nf his Uirzaig.
Behold the brave shriek in the streets,
The Agents of Peace are in tears,
The pastures, the highways, the paths, no one passes l
He has broken his Treaty,
Scorns the Cities we offered,
Shows to no man respect;
The Mourning Land blushes,
And Lebanon faints;
Sharon looks like the Arbah,
And Bashan and Lebanon shake!
says the LORD,
‘ Will arouse and stand up;
Now bring your chaff and bear straw ;———
And My fiery breath will consume them,
And your men burn to lime with cut thorns for a iirei
‘Listen, you distant, to what I am doing,
And acknowledge, you present, My Might.
Thenin Zion the wicked will fear;
The vile will be captured by dread.
THE Wxcxmv.
‘ Who of us can bear fire devouring?
Who of us bear enduring pain?
He who follows the right,
They who utter the Truth,
Who reruses to rob, with the rogues,
Keeps his hands from the touching a bribe
Stops his ears to suggestions of murder,
And his eyes shut to looking on crime.
He shall dwell on the Heights,
On High Forts of the Rocks;
And with food and with water be daily supplied.
Thence the King in‘His beauty your eyes shall regard;
You shall look on your land spread below,
Nor your heart ask in fear,
Where is the gatherer of taxes 2 ’
Or, ‘Is he the House-tax collector
Nor see the hard race,
Hear their stammering lips,
Who scorn in a language unknown.
Your eyes shall see Zion, our Festival City,
On jerusalem look as the sweet Home of Rest,
Her Tent never moved, and her stakes not pulled up,
And its ropes never taken away;
When the Glorious Name of the LQRD,
Is our source of broad rivers
Not wanting in oar—driveu ships,
And proud vessels sail past.
When the Loma is our judge,
And the LORD is our Ruler,
And the LORD is our LEADELR,
And also our Savxouxt.