of Israel, ‘Write the whole of the messages which I have told you in a book; for, see, the days come,’ said the Evmz-Lxvmc, when I will restore the captives of My People of Israel and ]udah,’ said the EVER- LIVING, ‘ and return them to the land that I gave to their ancestors, ’ and they shall possess it. 3 message uf ®¤mf¤rt in junk. xo :1 Israel and to judah. He spoke thus: It is a period of distress for jacob, and can he be saved from it? Now these are the messages
that the Evan-uviue addressed to Hear a voice of terror without
comfort! Ask and examine if men bear children? Why do I see every mau’s hands on his loins, like a childing woman I? and every face turned livid? Alas, for it is a great day! There has been none like it! says the EVER-
I will break the yoke from off your neck, and snap the shackles, and they shall no longer serve the foreigners, but serve their EVER- 1.1v1Ne Goo, and David their king whom I will appoint for them. So now, jacob, My servant, fear not,’ and Israel be not depressed, for I will rescue you from afar, and your race from the land of slavery, when jacob For I twill be with you/’ says the will make an end of all the nations where Iscattered you. But I will not with justice, and when corrected I will not punish further! For thus says the EVER~LiV1NG:
'Your bruise is malignant,—your wound sluggish. There is no surgeon to press, to sprinkle medicaments upon it, for you, All your friends have forgotten about you,-they do not enquire,——for I struck you by the stroke of an enemy;-—-a cruel wound, for your many faults, your sins were strong. ‘ Why do you shriek over your
malignant bruise ?—-for the pain over your many faults? I have done this to you for your numerous sins. ‘ However all who devour you shall
be devoured; and all who oppress you shall go into slavery, and those who are plundering you shall be plundered; and all robbing you I will give to__ robbery. For I will grant you a restoration, and will says the for the Driver cries to you, ‘ You are Zion for whom ’ The EVER-Livmo, however, says,
‘ I will restore jacob’s captured halls, and will extend his dwellings, and build his city on high, and found his palace on justice. And the sound of song and laughter shall come out from them, and they shall be glorious, and not depressed. And his children shall be as.of old, with a parliament before me, firm and iixed against all his oppressors. His Leaders shall be from himself,—and his Governors from his own breast. He shall come and approach, and touch me.-for who like him pledged his heart to asks the EVER- So they shall be My People and I will be their GOD. Look! the furious tempest of the
anger of the LOR1> has gone out! A sweeping tempest, it whirls over the head of the wicked. The naming wrath of the Evan-Lrvmc will not return until it has accomplished the You will under- stand it in the future times, at the said the Evan-Livmc, ‘when I will be a Gor: to all the families of Israel, and they will be My People. ®¤i‘r’¤ @@2 in dzracl.
Thus says the EVER-L1v1NG: ‘The nation of Israel remaining
from the sword has found favour in 520 I2 16 IS 21 22 31