Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 521

The Books of the Prophets


the desert, where it went to rest itself I childing women shall return together away with tears ;-—but on paths of and loved. I love you/’ He said, ‘ with an everlasting love, therefore I will attract you by kindness. Iwill build you again, and you shall be re- built, Virgin of Israel! Prepare your tambours, and come out to the dances with laughter. Plant vineyards slips, and play the flute ;—~for it is the day when the Watchmen cry on Mount Ephraim, ‘Arise and let us go up to Zion to our Evmz-Lrvmo For thus says the Evmz-r.1vmc,

‘ Shout to jacob, Be glad and neigh at the Head of the Nations. Let them hear your cheer, and say, ‘O Evan-Livmo, save Your people, the fragments of Israel} ‘I will bring them from the land

of the North, and collect them from the Hanks of the world, with their blind and lame,·—·the pregnant, and here in a great crowd. They went 31-—»2o ]EREMIAH. The Evmz—1.1vmo saw me from afar on the hills of Shomeronl Plant delight I will lead them in jubilee to rivers of water, by a level way in which they cannot stumble, for I will be a. father to Israel with Ephraim as My firstborn. ‘ Nations! hear the message of the

LORD, and report it to the distant isles, and proclaim to the race of Israel, ‘He who scattered us will guard you as a shepherd does his ilock!' For the Evnn·x.1v1No will redeem jacob and free him from the hand that is stronger than his; and he shall come with cheering to the top of Zion, and stream to the LORD’s endowment of com, and wine, and oil, and the young of the tlock and the herd. For their soul shall be like a watered garden, and never again endure distress. Then the girls will rejoice in the dance, with the boys and old men with them. And I will change their sorrow to delight, and their sighing and anguish to gladness, and satiate their priests with fat, and till My says the Evan-Lxvme. Wha Weeping in llimxmli. I0 II I2 Thus said the LoRD: ‘ In Ramah a voice is heard; The weeping and moaning of Rachel, Bewailing her sons, For her children refusing all comfort, Because they are not!


Restrain your voice from weeping, And your eyes from shedding tears; And rest from your grief} Says the Lord. ‘ When you quit your enemy’s land, Says the LORD, ‘ Your sons shall return to their Home.' 13 I have heard Ephraim murmur, He goads and controls me and strikes, Like a heifer unused to the reins. Turn me and I will return, For you are my GOD Ever—living. ‘ When turned I resisted; When taught struck my thigh, I was shamed and disgraced, For I bore the reproach of my youth. The LORD. 20 ‘ My dear son is Ephraim ; My beautiful child, Though I spoke sharp to him, I always remember, My love is with him, The LORD says.
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0521

The History of the People of Israel