Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 522

The Books of the Prophets



JEREMIAH. 3 ®¤11 fur Israel': Kzium. 21 Set up your Beac0us,——y0ur Landmarks set up ! Fix your heart on the mounds by the way that you marched, Return, Israc1's daughter, return to your City, How will you wander from Home? 22 Return for the LORD has prepared a new thing, In that Land, a woman embracing a man! W32 Tyizzsirrg npmr u ilziurxr. 23 Thus says the Loma oF Hosrs, 33 34 the God of Israel : I`hey shall again say this thing

in the land of judah and in its cities when I restore you from captivity, ‘ The EVER-Lxvmc; bless you, Home of Righteouness, Hill of Holiness? For judah shall reside in it, and all his cities,··-—together with farmers, and the shepherds of Hooks, when I will refresh the weary life, and fill every exhausted soul.

when I will sow the House of Israel, and the House of judah with the seed of man, and the seed of cattle. And as I watched them to pull up, and drive out, and break down, and to ruin, and to punish ;——·-it will come that in the same way I will watch over them says the EVER- In those times they shall not again say, ‘ The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the childrenfs teeth are set on edge1’ for a man shall only die for his own faults; every one who eats sour grapes, his own teeth shall be set on edge. says the EVER-L1v1NG,

‘ the times will come when I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel, and the House of judah ; unlike the Covenant that I made with their fathers, when I grasped them in My hand to bring them out from the land of the Mitzeraim, — which Covenant they broke, although I says the EVER- But this is the Covenant that I will make with the House of says the I will fix My laws in their breast, and write them upon their heart,··—and I will be their GOD, and they shall be My People. And they shall no more each instruct his neighbour, and each his brother, saying, ' Learn about the Evan- r.1v1No!’ for all of them will know Me from the least to the greatestf for I will pardon their frailty, and no more remember their sins.' Thus says the Loma Who sets the

sun to light by day, and the moon and stars to light by night,—Wh0 stills the roaring waves of the sea His NAME is the Loan or Hosrs! ‘ If those institutions remove them- says the then the race of Israel can remove itself from being a Nation before me for all time! If

the skies above, and the foundations of the earth can be measured by a stick,—··—then can be abolished all that I have done for the whole race ef says the Evan-Lxvme. ‘Be sure the times will come,’

when the city will be built for the EvER—L1v1NG, from the Tower of Hananal to the Corner Gate, and the wall stretch again from there, south of it, over Mount Gareb, and turn to `Gathah; and all the vale of corpses, and ashes, and all the fields from the brook Kedron to the sides of the Horse- gate, on the east, shall be consecrated 35 37 39 to the Evan-x,1v1Ne. It shall never again be pulled up or thrown down for ever and ever} Wye ghlzsxagz in izrzmiab in $rismt. The message which came from the 32 Evan-uvme to Jeremiah in the tenth year of Zedekiah, king of judah, which was the eighteenth year of Nebukhadnezzar, whilst the army of the king of Babel besieged jerusalem, when jeremiah was con- fined in the Court of the Guard-house of the palace of the king of judah, where Zedekiah, king of judah, had confined him. He had demanded of 522

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The History of the People of Israel