command of the EVER-L1v1NG came to me to say, ‘ Understand that Hanama1~hen—Dudi will come to you and say, Buy for yourself the farm at Anathoth, for the right is yours, and the price of redemption! Hanamal my cousin aocordingly
came to me, as the EvER—LIv1NG had said, to the Court of‘ the Guard, I wish you to buy the farm at Anathoth in the district of Benjamin, for the hereditary right js yours, and you have the funds for Then I recognised that it was what the EVER-Ltvmo had said. I consequently bought the farm at Anathoth from Hanamal my cousin, and weighed the money to him,-—~·seventeen shekels of silver. Then I signed the deed and sealed it, and the witnesses witnessed it, and I counted out the money in their hearing. I then took the sealed Deed of Purchase, with its laws and conditions, and the deed of posses» sion, and gave the Deed of Purchase to Baruk — ben - Nediah—ben-Maksiah in the presence of Hanamal my cousin, and in the presence of the witnesses who had signed the Deed of Purchase, in the presence of all the jews detained in the courtyard, and instructed Baruk in their presence, saying: I`hus says the LORD OF HOSTS,
the Gon of Israel, ‘Take these deeds, this Deed of Purchase with its seals, and the Deed of Posses· sion, and put them in an earthen- ware jar, so that they may be preserved foralong time}1 For thus
1 Nora.- Ch. 32, v. 14. The reader should
remember that in] eremiah’s day deeds and dwritings were ma e on stone, slates, or clay says the Loizn or Hosrs, the Gon of Israel, Never buy houses, or farms, Then I prayed to the EVER-LIVING, after I had given the Deed of Purchase to Ba.ruk—ben—Necliah, and said: ‘ Oh, Almighty LORD, Who made
the solar systems, and the earth, by Your great power, and by Your direct- ing arms,—~let not any of Your promises fail! Show kindness to the fallen, and repay the faults of the fathers to the lap of their children after them. T he GOD of great power and might,—-the Loan or Hosrs is His name. Great in purpose! and multiforrn in action. Your eyes examine all the ways of the sons of Adam, to give to each according to his ways, and the result of his 16 18
practices. You appointed signs and 20 portents from the land of the Mit— zeraim until now ;——-—as well as in Israel, and among mankind,——·and made Yourself aname, as at this day. You brought Your People Israel from the land of the Mitzeraim, with signs and wonders, and with a supporting hand, and directing arm, and with great splendour, and gave them a land flowing with milk and honey. And they came and possessed it. But listened not to Your voice, nor walked according to the laws which You commanded them to practise; they practised them not ;—-—therefore You have brought them to all this misery! ‘ Look! the embankments are ap·
preaching the city! You will give it to the power of the Kasdim who attack it by the edge of the sword, and to famine, and to plague! What You threatened has come, and You see it! And yet You have commanded me, Ar.M1c1~xrY Loan, ‘ Buy that farm for money, and let witnesses witness it!’ when You will give the city to the hands ofthe Kasdim. (Euifz ileplg in the §r¤pl;2t.
Then the message from the EvER· LIVING came to Jeremiah to say: ‘»See! I am the Even-Livmo Gon
of all flesh. None of My promises will fail! Therefore thus says the Evan-r.1vmG,·——I will give this city to the power of the Kasdim, and to the power of Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel, who will capture it. And the besieging Kasdirn shall come upon this city with fire and burn it, 21 523 22 26 28