Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 529

The Books of the Prophets

37—-·~z_ 38--5 II I2 ]EREM1AH. Babel, appointed king of the land of ]uda.h, hc, and his ministers, and the people of the country listened not to the messages of the EvER~L1v1NG which were delivered by means of jeremiah the Preacher. Zedekiah, however, sent ]hukaI—ben—Shelemiah, and Zefaniah-ben·Masiah, the priest, to jeremiah the Preacher, to say, ‘ Intercede new on account of us to For jere- miah at that time came and went amongst the people for they had not put him into the House of Restraint, and the army of Pharoh was advanc- ing from Mitzer, and when the Kas- dim, who besieged jerusalem, heard the report they departed from jerusa- em. Then the command of the EVER-

L1v1NG came to the Preacher 'I`hus says the Evan-uvme Gon of Israe1,——Say to the king of judah who has sent to you to enquire of Me,—-‘ Be sure that the forces of Pharoh that are advanc- ing to help you, will return to Mitzer} The Kasdim also will return and assail this city, and capture it, and burn it with fire ! D0

not raise your spirits by saying, The Kasdim have gone from us! For they are not gone! For if you defeated the whole force of the Kasdim who assailed you, and there were only wounded men left in their tents,-——they would arise and bum this city with iire.‘ Qzrzmiitb §2i;zh as iz §zs2rizr. But when the army of the Kasdim

retired from jerusalem before the force of Pharoh, jeremiah went out from jerusalem to go to the district of Benjamin to the part belonging there to his people. But when he came to the Benjamin Gate, there was a captain on guard named Iriah· ben-Shelemiah, and he seized jere- deserting to the Kasdim ! It is false! I am not deserting to the Kasdim I ’ He would not, however, listen to

him. So Iriah seized jeremiah the Preacher, and brought him to the generals, and the generals were furious against jeremiah and dogged him, and put him in prison at the house of jonathan the Recorder, who managed the House of Detention. Then jeremiah was brought to the x6 Pit-house, and the cells, and was detained a long time. At length king 17 Zedekiah sent and fetched him , and the king enquired of him in private at his own palace,—-—and asked, ‘ Is there any message from the Evan-mvme? ’ jzrzmiah Walks init}; Qiug Zzhzkinh. When jererniah asked King Zede·

How have I offended you, and your ministers, and this people that they have put me into the House of Detention ? Where are your Preachers who preached to you saying, ‘ The king of Babel will not come against you, or against this country? ’ But now, your Majesty listen I beg,-—let my entreaty fall before you, and send me not back to the House of jhonathan the Recorder, and let me not be killed King Zedekiah, consequently,

ordered it, and they placed jeremiah in the Court of the Guards, with a portion of food daily from the bakeries, until all the provisions were consumed from the city. So jeremiah stayed in the court of the Guard. 18 20 2K

dbz ®zuzrul¤ @zmuuh ily: Qrupiyzfs §zatl;. However, Shafatiah-ben·Mathan, 38 and Ghedaliah - ben - Pashkur, and ]oka1—ben—She1emiah, and Pashkur- ben-Malkiah, heard the speeches which jeremiah addressed to all the Thus says the EVER- L1v1NG, ‘ Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword. famine and plague! but whoever goes out to the Kasdim will live, and his life will be like aprize to him,~—and he shall live. Thus says the Evan·i.1v1Ne, I will give this city to the hand of the army of the king of Babel-and it shall capture it I ’ The generals consequently said to

Put this man to death, we beg, for through him the hands of the soldiers left to us in the town are weakened, and the hands of all the people by his uttering these speeches. For this man does not contribute to the safety of this people, but to its injury. He

is in your power ;·-·~for the king has not the power to speak contrary to 57-*9

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0529

The History of the People of Israel