Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 584

The Books of the Prophets

EZEKIEL. 36——24 heathen, which you degraded amongst them,-—s0 that the heathen may learn the by My making Myself sacred in their eyes, 26 28 33 through you! Then I will bring you from the heathen, and collect you from all the countries, and bring you to your own soil, and wash you with pure water, and purify you from all your corruptions, and cleanse you from your idolatries, and give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in your breast; and remove the heart of stone from your body, and place in you a heart of iiesh, and put My spirit into your breast, and cause you to walk according to My institutions and regard and practise My Decrees. Then I will restore you tothe country I gave to your ancestors, and you shall be My people, and I will be your Gon, and rescue you from all your corruptions,-—and call to the corn, and increase it, and not lay famine upon you. I will also increase the fruit of the trees, and the pro- ducts of the fields, so that the re- proach of famine will no more be brought against you by the heathen. Then you will reflect on your wicked ways, and bad conduct, and be despicable in your own sight, because of your sins and depravities. I shall the let your- selves know that ;——and be ashamed and feel the disgrace of your conduct, House of Israel. In

the time when I cleanse you from all your passions and restore you to your cities, and you rebuild the burnt

34 ruins; and the desolate land that was a waste to the eyes of all who passed through it, is again cultivated,

35 they will ask, ‘ How has this country, that was a desert, become like the Garden of Eden? and its burnt and desolate and broken-down cities

36 inhabited fortresses ? ’ Then the frag- ments of the heathen around will recognize that I, the EvER—L1v1NG, have rebuilt the ruins, and planted the waste. I; the EvER·LIvING, have 37 promised, and will perform it!’ Thus says the Micnrv Loan,

‘Yet I must be requested by the House of Israel to do this. Then I will increase population for them like sheep;--like blessed sheep they 37--14

her fairs. T he burnt cities shall be full of men like tlocks,—··and they shall learn that I am the EVER- ®lyz §lniu ruhzrzh hg @11; Baines. The hand of the Evmz·1.1v1NG 87 came upon me and carried me out by the whirlwind of the LORD, and let me down on the Plain, and it was full of bones. Then it whirled me 2 over them round and round, and I saw very many on the surface of the Plain, and I perceived they were very Son of Adam, can these bones be revived You know, MIGHTY Preach to

these bones, and say to them, Dry bones! listen to the message of the Lrvms Lira! The Mxonrv Loan proclaims, I will bringa wind to you, and you shall revive! I will also put sinews on you, and cause flesh to cover you, and cover you with skin, and put breath into you, when you will revive,—-and learn that I am the I consequently preached as He

ordered me ;-—and as I preached a sound came, and I perceived, an earthquakegnd the bone approached to bone! Then I watched, and saw 8 muscles come over them, and Hesh rise and skin cover thém over all, but breath was not in them. Proclaim to the

Wind,—-·proclaim, Son of Adam, and I`hus says the Mionrr Loan,—Wind! come from the four winds, and blow into the throats of these,—-and let them So I proclaimed as He ordered me,

and the wind came to them, and they revived! and stood on their feet,———a very, very great army! Son of

Adam l these bones are all the House of Israel. You know they say, ‘ Our bones are dry, and our hope has faded: we are exterminated l’ There- fore proclaim and tell them, ‘Thus says the Micrrrv Loan, Be certain that I will open your graves, and bring you from your tombs, My People, and lead you to the soil of Israel! Then you will learn that I am the LIFE, when I open your graves and bring you, My People,

shall be,-·—-like sheep in jerusalem at l from your tombs. And I will put My 584 I0


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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0584

The History of the People of Israel