HOSEA.4——75-5111618So I reject you from the Priesthood to Me;And having abandoned the Laws of your GOD,I will abandon your children Myself lAs against Me they sinned in their power,To contempt I will change all their honour.As on the sin of My people they feed,Those crimes they shall carry upon their own souls !-—·~And as with the Mass, it shall be with the Priest,—On each will I lay the result of their ways;And turn back their paths on themselves.They eat, but they never are filled ;They whore, but they do not increase lFor they pay no regard to the LORD lFor whoredom, and wine, and strong drinkHave seized upon all of their hearts.My People ask guidance of wood, and of sticks,For the spirit of whoredom deludes,And they whore themselves far from their GOD !On the to of the mountain they offer up gifts, ibAnd they urn their perfumes on the Peaks lUnder Oak trees and Poplars and Pines,For the sake of the cool shade they give ;So your daughters are whored,And your brides are all foully defiledlShould I not punish. your daughters as whores PAnd your brides as adulterous themselves?Who wander about with the whores,And with prostitutes offer up gifts ?—So the stupified People must fall lBut if Israel whores ;·—yet let not judah fall lSo come not to Gilgal, nor go to Beth—aven! By the life of the LORD !'For Israel bucks, like an obstinate cow,When the LoRD would lead her like a lamb to the plainLet Ephraim alone ;—-for his idols seduce.’1`heir drink is drunk out; they have whored with their whore,And his Princes delight in their shame!A furious wind will enfold in her wings,·—··And their altars become their disgrace.Gil): {Quant uf the Qpuztutz §§1·i2st¤.You Priests listen to this, and Israe1’s house hear,And you, house of the King, for you must decide;Upon Mitzfah why set you a trap?And spread out a net upon Tabor?And plan how to whip to the slaughter?But I will exterminate all!Ephraim I know well ;——nor is Israel hid,—-For by Ephraim’s whoredom is Israel deliled!That practice prevents your return to your GOD!For your breast holds the Spirit of whores!And you never acknowledge the LORD.And Israel’s pride flashes up in his face ;So Israel and Ephraim shall fall in their sin,And judah shall stumble with them!