21 with timbrillsand dances, and Miriam responded to them ; Eb: iliiyurus uf Ymumzn. ‘ Sing to the LORD for gloriously triumphing, He has hung the horse and his rider,——~ Into the sea I l' Marr}; frsm ily: Wall in ily: @22.zri uf mural; zz Moses afterwards marched the children of Israel from the Red Sea, and departed from the Desert of the Wall, and advanced three days into I6···—~4 the desert, but found no water. Then 23 they came to Marah, but were un- able to drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter ; therefore Moses called it Bitterness. Then the people 24 Why have you done this? ’ So he cried to the EvER·L1v1NG, 25 and the EvER~L1v1NG showed him a tree, which he put into the water and it sweetened it. He gave it therefore the name of the Pit of Calamity, and named it Trial. But 26 he said ; ‘If you will listen to the voice
of your Eva1z~L1vxNo Gon, and do what is right in His eyes, and give your ears to His commands, and keep all His institutions, all the plagues which I laid upon the Mitzerites I will not lay upon you, for I am your EvER—L1v1NG After that they came to Ailim,
where there were twelve springs of water, and several palm trees, so they encamped there by the springs. {Hmm Qlihzn. Then the children of Israel marched 16 from Ailim and came to Arath, in the Desert of Sin, which is between Ailim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month from their departure out of the land of the Mitzeraim. But all the families of 2 the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron in the 3 Desert; and the children of Israel said to them ; ‘i Why do you kill us by the hand
of the EVER-LIVING? In the land of the Mitzeraim we sat by the flesh pots to gorging! Vi/hy have you brought all the congregation to this Desert to die of hunger Therefore the Ev12R—L1v1NG said 4 to Moses; **1 will rain bread for them from the skies; and the 68