Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 69

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS. 16——-5 people shall go out to collect it day by day, so that I may try if they

5 will walk in My laws or no. But upon the sixth day they must pre- pare what they bring in, wh ch shall be twice as much as the daily portion} IO II Moses and Aaron. consequently

said to all the children of Israel; * To-morrow morning you shall know that the EvER—L1v1Ng; brought you out of the land of the Mitzeraim, for in the morning you shall see the power of the Lorm by His listening to your complaints against the EVER- LIVING, and us, regarding what you have complained against us. And} the Evzn—1.1vxNG will give you ilesh to eat in the evening, and bread in the morning to your till; because the Eyma- mvmo has heard your complaints. that you have complained against Him and us;-—·for you not only complain against ns, but against the Then Moses said to Aaron; ‘Commaud all the families of the children of. Israel to appear before the Evan-Lxvmo, for He has heard their murmurs} Consequently Aaron commanded

all the families of the children of Israel, and they presented them- selves in the desert, and saw the splendour ofthe EVER-LIVING appear in the cloud. Then the Evmz·L1v1No‘ spoke to Moses, saying ;- ‘ I have heard the complaints of the children of Israel., Speak to them and say; ‘ In the evening you shall eat Hesh; and in the morning you shall be tilled with bread :—-so that you may knows that I am your 13 When evening arrived therefore quails came up and covered the camp ; and in the morning a layer of dew

14 surrounded thecamp. But when the layer of dew exhaled from the


surface of the desert, grains like scales, —g1·ains like hoar·fr0st, covered the ground. When the children of Israel saw it, they said each to his brother, 1 for they did not know what it was. But Moses said to them, ‘ This is the bread which the EVER- mvmc has given for you to eat. And this is the thing that He com- mands; You are to collect each of you according to his requirements a homer for each individual member of the living persons, that you enter- tain in your tents} The children of Israel accordingly

did so, and collected it from the desert much and little. But when they measured by the homer there was no excess to the much, or defi· ciency to the little; each had according to the consuming mouths, Let not But some listened not to Moses, but reserved it by them until the morn- ing, when it bred worms ;, Moses however was angry with them. Therefore they collected it morning by morning, according to the consum- ing mouths, for when the sun arose it melted. But when the sixth day came they collected a double·quan· tity of bread, two homers, to each, and all the heads of families cameto Moses and reported it. When he re- That is what the EVER-LIVING commanded, ‘ You shall rest a Holy Rest to the Evan- Liv1NG to—morrow. .What you have to bake, bake it, and what you have to boil, boil it, and all the remainder keep by you until the morning} S0 they laid it up until the morn—

ing, as Moses commanded, and it did not stink, and worms were not in it. Eat it to·day, for to-day is a rest to the EVER-Lxvxuo; -F. VF. 16

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0069

The History of the People of Israel