Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 70

The Five Books of Moses

EXOD US. 16--26 26 28 33 34 35 you shall not go out into the Held.

You shall collect it six days, but the seventh day is a rest; you shall not Yet it happened that on the seventh day a. man went out to c0llect,—·—·but he found none. The Ev1=;1z—L1v1NG therefore said

Until when shall I entreat them to observe My com- mands and laws? Let them see that the Evemuvxuo has given them the rest, for He has given to them on the sixth dey bread for two days. Let each stay at his home. Let none go gut from the camp on the seventh 17 So the People stayed at home on the seventh day. Thus the House of Israel called it

1 and it was like a seed of coriander, white; and the taste of it like cakes and honey. This is the rule

that the .EvER—L1v1NG commands to be practised continually, to be kept for your generations, so that you may see the bread which I caused you to eat in the desert, whilst I brought you out from the land of Mitzer.’ Therefore Moses said to Aaron; Take a basket, and put into it a

full homer of Mana, and place it before the presence of the EVER- L1v1NG, to preserve for their pos- So as the Evan-Livinc commanded to Moses, Aaron laid it up in the presence, as a witness, in the treasury. And the children of Israel ate the

mana for forty years. Until they came to the land to rest, they ate the mana; until they came to the border of the land of Canan. marching in Wyirzi. Afterwards the whole body of the

children of Israel marched from the Desert of Sin by stages at the com- mand of the LORD, and encamped in exhaustion, for there was no water to quench the pe0ple’s thirst. There the people contended with Moses, Give us water, and quench our thirst.’ Why do

you mutiny against me? Why do ·——F. F. 9 36 (But a homer is the tenth part of an

epha) is an old editor‘s note, not part of the original text.-—··F. F. 17--14 But the People thirsted then for 3 water, and the People complained Why did you bring us out from Mitzer, to kill us, with our children and cattle, with Then Moses cried to the Evan-

What shall I do with these People? For they are ready to stone me l' But the EVER-LIVXNG answered

Pass along before the face of the People and take with you the Magistrates of Israel. Take also in your hand the rod with which you struck the river, and march. I will stand before your face there at the Rock in the Waste, and you shall strike upon the rock, and water shall come out from it, and quench the people.’ And Moses did so in sight of

the nobles of Israel, and named because of the dispute with the chil· dren of Israel, and because of their trial of the Evan-Livmo, saying, ‘Does the Evn1z·L1vmG exist with us, or not?' myc Qmalrhiira attack israel. The Amalekites at this time came

with the Rephidites and made war with Israel. Consequently Moses said Choose your own men and go out to fight with the Amalekites to—morrow, and I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of GrOD`iI1 my joshua, therefore, did as Moses

said to him, and fought with Amalek. But Moses and Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill; and when Moses held up his hand, Israel became victorious, but when he lowered his hand, Amalek was victor. So when the hand of Moses became weary, they took a stone and placed it under him and he rested upon it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hand, first one and then the other, so that his hand was stretched out until sunset, when joshua defeated Amalek and his people, by the edge of the sword. The Even-Lxvmo afterwards said

Write this and record it in a book, and instruct joshua that I 1 Masah and Meribah. IO Il I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0070

The History of the People of Israel