The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 729

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boox III. PSALMS. PsA1.Ms 81, 82. His hands from the carrying skep; When to Mc in your anguish you cried. I answered when clothed in the storm, And tried at the Waters of Strife. S·rANzA 2. Hear, My People, and I will instruct; If Israel will listen to Me: No strange God must be among you, To a Foreign God never bow down; I, only, am your Lrvmo Gon, Who brought from the Mitzraim land. If you hungered, ’twas I Hlled your mouth. S·rANzA 3. But My People would not hear My voice, And Israel desired Me not; S0 I left them to their stubborn heart, And they followed a path of their own! Srauza 4, If My People would listen to Me, And Israel walkin My paths, How soon I would tread on their foes, And My hand on their Tyrauts would turn. Those hating the LoRD, should obey, But their time for ever should last; And they feed on the fat of the wheat, And with honey be filled from the rock! PSALM 82. 3 Quint hg 3s¤ply. Sranza 1. Gon stands in the Court of the Judge, In the midst of the judges and asks, How long will you wrongly decree, And hold up the face of the bad ? Srmza 2. ‘ You should act for the orphans and weak, Do right for the Poor and the G0oD; Deliver the feeble, poor wretch, From the hand of the Wicked release, Who unknown,_uuseen in the darkness, proceed To remove- all the landmarks away. Srawza 3. ‘ I had said, that they seem to be Gods, And all as if Sons of the Highest; But yet you shall die as did Adam, And fall, like each one of the Great} Tun Envoy. Arise, Gon! Do justice on Earth, For you will inherit all Tribes. 7 29 IO II I2 16
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0729

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