The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 731
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMSBoox 1V.Psnms 84, 85.For the bird finds a home, and the swallow a nest,Where they lodge their youngOu Your altar, O LGRD of Rest,My King and my GOD!How happy they dwell in your House,They can praise you for everlS·rA1~xzA 2.Happy men, who rely; upon You!On you, from the cliHs of their heart!They pass thro' the Valley of Tears,And fmd it a Valley of springs,Which the showers have covered with pools.They march on in vigour and strength,Till in Zion they look upon GOD.LORD, GOD of Rest, hear my prayer,Attend, GOD of ]acob, to me.Suxza 3.Look up! to our Gon, as our shield,And attend to the face of Your guide.Better one day. in Your Courts,At the Door of the House of my GOD,Than a thousand of life in the Dwelling of Sin;For the LORD is a sun and a shield,The LORD can give honour and grace;The LORD will not cease to do good,To those who go forward in right.THB Envoy.Oh! LORD of Rest, happy the man,Who can trust upon You.PSALM 85.To the Conductor of the Choir.$ §¤n1m.Suuzs 1.You have refreshed, Loan, your land,You have freed jacob from bonds,Have pardoned the fault of Your People,And You have forgiven their sin lSrauza 2.IOIlI2You have ceased from Your wrath,Turned from Your indignant rage lO GOD reform us, and save,And break 0H Your anger from us.With us, why be always enraged PTo age after age, lasts Your wrath?Will You not return and revive,When to You, Your Race will be glad.Your mercy show to us, O LORD,And let Your Salvation be ours.Suuza 3.I await what the LORD GOD may say.When He speaks peace to His Race,To His Saints who will not turn to vice.roHis Salvation approach and behold;73*