The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 732
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
BOOK {v_PSALMS.PsA1.Ms 85, 86.XII2
x6For glory will dwell in our land.Truth and Mercy together have met,And Goodness and Peace now have kissed!Truth has sprung up from the Earth.And Goodness from Heaven looks down!And also the LORD gives success,And our land gives us its fruits!Righteousness marches before,And marks out the path by His feet.PSALM S6.gk §rngzr hg; @¤§:ilr.SrANz.¤. 1.LORD bend Your ear to my sigh,Reply to me, wretched, and poor.And because 1 am weak guard my life,Save Your servant who trusts on You, GOD lSave, ALMIGHTY,——fOI' You are my GOD,I will cry all the day.SZCANZA 2.Glad the soul of Your servant,For You are my GOD.ALMIGHTYI hold up my life,For you, the ALMIGHTY, are gentle and kind,And merciful to all who seek,So listen, O LORD, to my prayer!In pity attend to my voice,I cry in my day of distress,For You will reply.Sr Anza 3.There is none like to Goo, the ALM1on·rv,And none do like You.All the nations whom You have created,Will come and bow down before You,And will honour Your Almighty NAME.For You are the Great, and work wonders,You only are GOD.Sranza 4.Lead me, O LORD, in Your path,I always would walk in Your truth,And my heart will have light from Your power;LORD GOD, all my heart will praise You,And for ever will honour Your name.For great was Your mercy. to me,From the deep grave You rescued my life.S-rauza 5.The cruel, GOD, rose against me,False witnesses sought for my life,And before them they placed not YOUR NAME,No fear of You was before them.But You, GOD of Mercy and Grace,Forbearance, and pity, and truth,Ol turn towards me and assuage.Give Your strength to Your slave,732