The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 733

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Psnus 86, 87, 88. Bam; 1V_ And save for Your unblcmisbcd Truth. Make me a wonder of Mercy, That my haters may see it and fail , For You, LGRD, are my comfort and help. PSALM Sy. For the Choristers. § §saIm fm: Singing. S·rANzA r. It stands on the Holy Hills! The LORD loves the Gates of Zion, More than all the Dwellings of jacob! What glories are told about you, O City of GOD ! S1:ANzA 2. My friends I remind about Rahziband Babel, Philistia, and Tzur, and of Kush, He and He was hom there} That she was built by the Highest! The LORD writes in the Book of the Peoples, There the M ESSIAH was bomf (Rubrical Directioufor the Choirnzasicr.) All the Singers with all the Orchestra must be with you. PSALM 88 To the Conductor of the Violins, as a Choral Song. :8 _2\ Qsalm fur Qixtging hg tl;2 ¢ll3ly¤ir.——Q1 tletlzctiun hg §\itl;nn tbz 2\gr¤kl;tiz. Sranza 1. Save me! O Gon, Evan-Lrvme, I call You by day, and by night I appmach. Let my Prayer come to Your Presence, Bend Your ear to my cry. Sramza 2. My body is filled full of pains, My life has gone down to the Grave, I feel like descending the Pit, My life like a man without strength. I am stiff, like the wounded to death, Who forgotten, are laid in the tomb, And who are cut off from Your side. I am sunk in the depth of the Pit; In the gloom and the Shadow of Death. Upon me Your anger is laid, And I am O'erwhe1med by Your waves. My friends You remove far away, You make me a loathing to them; I am prisoned, and cannot get out. 10 My eyes are dissolved by my grief, I call on You, LORD, all the day, To You throw out my hands ! No*r1¤:.—Psalm 87, v. 7. lt appears to it ls evidently defective without it, and,

me that some transcriber has omitted the therefore, I venture to restore that name as Messiah} from his text, for ab0ve.—-F. F. 733

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0733

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