The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 734
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
Bggg IV,PSALMS.PsA1.M,s 88, 89.III21618IO
STANZA 3.How can the dead give You thanks ?———If restored, they could rise and give praise.Are Your Mercies proclaimed in the tomb?And Your T ruthfulness to the Destroyed PTo Darkness can they tell Your Works,And Your Good in Forgetfulnessland PBut I, LORD, can cry out to You,And pray before break of the morn.Then why do You, LoRD, leave my soul,And hide up Your Presence from me?I was wretched, and dying from youth,I have carried your terrors myself ;Your Tempests have over me swept,Your horrors encircle me round !They surround like a Hood all the day,Together upon me they roll;My friends You have driven afar,Even close friends I cannot perceive.PSALM 89.3 Itzilzctimr nf 2\iibnn the 2\;rakl;ilz.Smnzn 1.Airmm.I will sing the LoRD’s Mercies for ever,Teach to ages His truth by my mouth. Your Mercy for ever is built,Your Truth You have fixed in the skies i'STANZA 2.Tun Loan.‘ With My chosen a Treaty I made,I have sworn it to David My Slave,Your heir I will settle for ever,And for ages will build up your throne!Srimza 3.Loran! Your wonders the Heavens declare,Your Truth to th’ Assembly of Saints.Who is like to the LORD in the Skies?Who of GOD‘s sons can equal the LORD ?GOD is grand in the Council of Saints,Great, and fearful, above all around.LORD GOD of Hosts I who is equal to You?Your Strength, LIFE, and Truth are around.You ruled over the pride of the Sea,Controlling the roar of its waves,When Rahabi You trod down to death,And Your foes with a strong arm dispersed.Srimza 4.But Yours are the Heavens and Earth,You formed the World’s sphere and its times.You created the North and the South ;Tabor and Hermon, applaud to Your Name!The hand of the Mighty is Yours,Your hand is strong, and Your right hand is high. was a poetic name for Egypt, probably a title otPharoh.—-F. F.734