The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 735

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boox IV. Ps.u.1~4 89. STANZA 5. Your Throne stands on Goodness and Right, 15 Before You, march Mercy and Truth ! Biest the People who know of their hope, Who march in Your Splendour, O LoRD! In Your Name they can laugh all the day; And can in Your Goodness exult; For You are their Glory and Strength, And your favour lights upon them. For our shield is with the LORD, And with Israel’s Holy our King. S1‘ANzA 6. In a. vision You spoke to Your Saint, I put strength in a man, From the People My chosen I raised, Yes, David I formed as My Servant, I appointed by My Sacred Oil ; My hand shall be firmly with Him, Yes! he shall be strong by My arm. His foe shall not rise over him, Nor the Sou of the Wicked distress. His assailants I cut from his face, And all who hate him will defeat. With him are My Mercy and Truth, And I lift up his horn by My Power. So I placed his left hand on the Sea, And his right to the Rivers afar! He shall say to me, ‘ You are my father; My Gon, and my Tower of retreat! ‘ Yes! I will make him Imperial, The First of the Kings of the Earth ! I will guard him for ever by Mercy, And secure My Treaty to him. And his Heir shall endure for ever, And his throne like the Periods of Heaven. S‘rANzA 7. ‘If his sons should abandon My Laws, And by My Decrees cease to walk; If they profane My Institutions, And will not preserve My Commands; I will punish their sins with a. rod, And their faults with a. lash ; But My mercy not take from his People, Nor will I be false to My Truth. My Treaty will never be broken, Nor change from the words of My lips; For I by My holiness swore, I will never forget about David! His heir shall endure for ever, And near Me his throne, like the Sun. Like the Moon, be established for ever, Rejoicing in truth upon high.’ Sranza 8. But now You forsake and regret! Against Your anointed You rage ; You break from Your bond with Your servant, You throw his crown down to the ground! And through all his fences You break, 735 I6 :8 Zi 22 26 28 33 34 35 37 39
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0735

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