The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 736

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. i Boox IV. PsA1.M 8g 44 45 47 49 You have thrown down the walls of his vine. All who travel the Highway can rob, And he is to his neighbours a scorn; His oppressors raise up their right hzmd, And all of his foemen rejoice You have turned back the edge of his sword, And he cannot prevail in the War. His splendour You bring to an end, And have thrown down his throne to the Earth! You have cut off the days of his manhood, And covered him up with contempt! suuza g. Till when will You hide, LORD, for ever? Like {ire, will Your anger consume? Remember how short is my life, Why create in vain all Aclam’s Sons? What man lives, and never sees Death ? Can his body escape the Grave’s hand? Sunza ro. LORD where are Your Mercies of old, That to David You swore by Your Truth ? Loran, remember the griefs of Your slave, With such great Peoples loading my breast! How Your foemen insult You, O LORD, When the steps of Your Chosen they curse. (N ore sv AN Aucuznr Emron.) Bless the EvER·L1v1NG for ever, Amen, and Amen. Erm or rue Founrn Boox or Psamus. THE FIFTH BOOK OF PSALMS. CONTAINING ANCIENT PSALMS BY VARIOUS PSALMISTS. PSALM go. § ¥rag¢r nf muses, the Nun nf ®¤h. Suuza 1. Loan, You were our refuge for ages, Ere ever the Mountains were born. Or the Earth and World rolled in their spheres,} You, GOD, were from Ever to Ever. S1‘ANzA 2. You set men in depression; Sonsrof Adam return ; For a thousand years pass like a day in Your sight.

1 No*1‘x·;.—Psalu1 go, v. 2: This passage

clearly shows that Moses understood the true system of astronomy, and that the Earth and lanets revolved round the Sun, in spheres or circuits. \‘}51f'!, Knouito dance, to tum in a circle as the earth does, or spin, and 1):,*], Tunmsx., the substantive form of 5:*, Yanni., to How along, or diffuse, are that Iis the Planets round the Sun. he idea of the Sun and Planets and Stars circlinround g gieEarth is a Heathen, not a Biblica one. F 736

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0736

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