The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 737

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Whilst you have the LORD for your guard, So sickness will not approach you, Boon V. Their years are sn shower; Grow like grgss at the dawn, For we faint at Your auger, And die at Your Wrath. Suuu 3. Near You, our passions are set, They pass quick and expire. Suuza 4. Who knows the power of Your wrath? PSALM gr. S·rANzA 1. Who rests in the Highest's Retreat, Snum 2. You placed on the Highest your hope. PSALMS. go, gx. They pass like a watch in the night, In the morning they blossom and sprout, At evening they wither and fade; Our faults in the light of Your face, For all our years pass in Your. wrath,-· Our years are consumed in a sigh, Our days are but Seventy years, But if a strong man reaches eighty, His pride is but sorrow and grief, And who dare look on Your rage? So teach us to number our days, And wisdom to take to our heart. When will You restore us, -0 LIFE, And comfort us after Your wrath ? With Your mercy refresh us at dawn, And make our days singing and joy? For the days You have grieved us, give pleasure, For the days that in misery we saw, Ol look on Your servants and work, Let Your Grandeur be over their sons. Let our Lxvmc Goofs comfort be ours, Establish the work of our hands over us, Yes! establish the work of our hands. Reclined in the Almighty’s shade, The Lon!) is my hope, And I trust in my Gon as my Fort, For He will release from the web, From the bird·catcher’s note, of deceit. His pinious will carry you up, And under His wings you can hope; For His truth like to armour surrounds. You will fear not the terror of night, Or the arrow that Hiesin the day. Nor pestilence, walking in gloom, Nor contagion that wastes in the noon. A thousand may fall at your side, Ten thousand upon your right hand, But upon you they will not alight. Your eyes only on them shall look, And see the reward of —the bad, 737 I0

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0737

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