The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 738

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. PsA1.Ms gr, gz, Boox V. II I2 16 IO II X2 Contagion not enter your Rest, For you He will order His Angels To keep guard upon all your paths, Who will in their hands hold you up, From striking your foot on a stone. SrANzA 3. You may tread on a lion or asp, Your feet may descend on a snake. ‘ He trusted on me,»—I deliver; He knew my name,—So I hold up! He calls,——I reply I am with You ; I deliver and help in distress. I content with extension of days, And will let him see that I can save. PSALM gz, QA fsalm in Sing mz ily: Qian uf Rest. STANZA 1. LORD, to praise You is sweet,

And, Hmxssr, to sing to Your Name; To morning, to tell of Your kindness, And to night of Your truth, On the Viol and Lute, On the Flute and the Harp. For Your works, LORD, delight, I am cheered by the work of Your hands. Srlmza 2. LORD, how great are Your works! And the depths of Your thoughts, Brutish man cannot know; Nor the fool understand, \-Vhy the Wicked should ilourish like grass, And the plans of the vile should succeed, To their ruin, for age after age. Szrsnu 3. But You Loma are exalted for ever, For, look, how Your foemen, O LORD, Yes! see, how Your enemies perish, And the products of Wickedness fail. STANZA 4. But You set up my horn like a‘bull's That bellows in richness of food. So mine eye sees its wish on assailants, And my ear hears their griefs. Srimza 5. The Good like a Palm-tree will flourish. 4 Like a Lebanon Cedar will spread. They are set in the House of the LORD, They will grow in the Courts of our GOD They will grow on to old age; And be happy, and fat To proclaim the LORD just, That my Rock has no failure in Him I 738

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0738

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