The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 761
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.PsAr.Ms x 18, 1 rg.Boox VI.THE Woxsuxpmx Rzsmmzas.‘You are my GOD, and I thank;My GOD, Whom I will cxaltfTHE Cuouz.Thank the Lonv, Whois good,Whoso mercy endures!PSALM rrg.SrANzA 1.Happy the straightin their paths, who walkin the Laws of the Loan;Happy those who examine His proofs, who seek with whole heart;For they practice no vices, but walk in His paths,As You have commanded, to carefully keep Your Commands.I wish I could settle my pathways, to keep Your Decrees;Then I should not err in my searches about Your Commands;In rightness of heart I could thank You Who taught me good rules.Your Decrees I will keep, so forsake me not ever.Smnza 2.How can Youth gain noble life ? By regard to Your Word.With my whole heart I seek not to stray from Your Rules.In my heart I have hidden Your Words, so as not to offend.LGRD You should be thanked, for You taught me Your Statutes;With my lips I proclaim the Decrees of Your mouth.In pursuing Your proofs, I delighted as if over wealth.I reflect on Your Orders,——look out for Your ways.I delight in Your Rules, I forget not Your Words.S·rANzA 3.If You give life to Your servant, Your Words I will keep.Clear mine eyes when I look at Your wonderful Laws.I am strange in the land,-—hide not from me Your Rules.My soul aches, desiring at all times Your judgments.Reprove haughty villains, who slip from Your Orders ;Turn from me abuse, and contempt, for I study Your Proofs.When Princes condemned me, Your servant thought of Your Rules.For I felt delight in Your Proofs ;—-—Your Counsels console.Srauza 4.My soul sticks to the dust; Revive it as promised.I told You my ways, and You heard and You taught me Your Laws.The course of Your Statutes I viewed, and I thought on Your Wonders.My soul drooped with grief, but You raised, as You promised.Turn me from false paths, and console by Your Laws.I have chosen 'I`rutl1’s path,-—Your Decisions sufiiced me.LORD, I clung to Your Proofs,——~Let me not be disgraced.I will run with Your Orders,—-for You set free my heart!Sranza 5.Show, Loma, the path to Your Plans, and I'll keep it forever.Instruct;-· and I will examine Your Laws, and will guard with whole heart.Lead in Your Commands path, as my heart has desired.Bend my heart to Your Laws, and never to greed.Make my eyes pass from looking at vice ;·—-but revive in Your path.Fulfil to Your servant, who fears You Your promise._ Turn off the reproach that I fear, for Your judgments enrich.See! I desired Your Orders,——In Your Goodness revive me.76128IOI II 21618202 I22283334353739