Boox VI;
PsALM ug.
S·rA1~zzA. 6.
LORD, let Your mercy find mc; You promised me safety,
Then I can answer revilers again, for I trust in Your Word.
And never hide truth from my mouth, for I trust on Your judgment,
And Your Laws I wiil keep in the present and always.
And then I can in freedom walk out, for I trust on Your Rules,
So I publish Your Proofs before Kings without shame.
So I will delight in Your Laws, which I love.
I lift my lmnd to Your Laws, and reiiect Your Decrees.
S·rANzA 7.
Remember Your word to Your servant, on which I have trusted.
I consoled in my sorrows; for Your promise revived.
The proud greatly deride, but I swerve not from Your Laws.
I always think of Your teaching, and I have its comfort.
I tremble because of the wicked rejecting Your Laws.
Your Decrees were my song, in my exile from home.
Loiw, I remembered Your Name in the night, and I will keep Your Laws:
They have come to me, because I have studied Your Orders.
Srsmza 8.
My wealth, Loan, I declared, is regard to Your Words.
My whole heart sought Your face,——as You promised, be kind.
I thought on my ways,—·—turned my steps to Your Proofs.
I prepared, and delayed not observing Your Orders,
Tho' the bad bound me in chains, I forgot not Your Laws.
I rose to, thank You at midnight, for Your perfect Decrees.
I join all who fear, and regard Your Commands.
Your mercy, Loki), fills all the Earth, and so teach me Your Precepts.
Smwza 9.
LORD, do good to Your servant, as Your Word has said ;
Teach me good sense and skill, for I hold fast Your Orders.
Before I had suffered I strayed,-—but I afterwards kept Your Commands.
You are kind, and with Kindness, O I teach Your Plans.
Villains caught me by treason: I with whole heart kept Your Precepts.
Their heart sours like milk, but I joy in Your Laws.
That I have suffered is good, because it has taught me Your Precepts.
To me your Laws are more than thousands of Silver and Gold.
Your hand made and formed; show and teach me Your Orders.
You taught, LORD, the Right and the ]ust, and You punished me right.
Your Decree, LORD, was inst, and justly I sudered.
New let Your Mercy console, as You promised Your servant,
Let Your pity come and revive, for I delight in Your Laws.
Shame the Villains who plot to oppress ;—l appeal to Your Rules.
Let all who fear You come here, I will show them Your Proofs.
My heart keeps to Your Rules,——·so I fear no disgrace.
Srknzk rz.
My soul pants to be safe,——-But I trust to Your Word.
My sight fails for Your promise ; when shall I have rest?
Tho' I am like a skin in the smoke,—··I forget not Your Rules.
1 NOTE.-··-PSKIIII ug v. 48. In this line I from the former line of the Psalm, and as
. omit three words of the Hebrew Text, especially by the repetition dislocating the
as being a ¤¤6¤'¤ of the p0cm··—F· F-
tmnscri er's error, in repeating them again