The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 763
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.Boon VI.Psnm 119.How can Yom; slave live? When will you punish my hunters?Villains dig for me pits; they care not for Your Laws.Your Commandments are Truth ;——-Falsehood hunts me, Oh help.Tho' on earth almost killed, I gave not up Your Rules.88In Your pity revive, when I can keep to Your Proofs.Suuza rz.L01u>,for ever Your purposes stand in the Skies._ Your Truth built on earth, fixed for Ages of Ages!Your Laws stand to—day, for all things serve to You.Had I not loved Your Laws, I had died in my woes.I forgot not Your Precepts, by which I have life.93O! save me,——I am Yours,-——for I seek for Your Rules.9495The bad hope to kill me,-——for I look for Your Proofs;I see an end to all made, but Your Orders stretch far.Srauza 13.How I loved all Your Laws,—always all day think of them!97I know more than my foes,-———for Your Rules are still mine.Than my teachers more skilled, for I think of Your Proofs.icoI see more than the old, for I study your precepts.roxFrom bad paths kept my steps, because I guard Your Word.102I left not Your Doctrines, for me You directed.103Your words please my taste, more than honey my mouth.1o4Your Precepts I knew, so I hated had ways.Sunza x4.105Your Word lights my steps, and enlightens my paths.106I swore, and I stand fast, to keep Your good Decrees.I have sudered much; LORD revive as You promised.108Accept, LORD, my vows, and teach me Your Decrees.My life is in my hand, so Your Laws I leave not.noThe vile laid for me traps; I swerved not from Your rules.nrYour Proofs I hold everas my heart’s great delight.112To work out Your Orders I bend all my heart.Srauza 15.II 3I hate wandering thoughts; and I have loved Your Laws.114You are my shield of shelter, I trust on Your leading.Drive otf the bad from me; I seek my GOD‘s Commands.:15:16Life andheip You had promised; defeat not my trust.1:7Refresh, and set me free, for I stand by Your Rules.118Tread down lying rogues, all who desert from Your LawsYou drove all vile from the Land, so I have loved_Your Proofs.My frame shakes in terror, when I see Your Decrees.Srmza 16.I do Right and Good: so give me not to the traitors._ Guide your servant to good; let not villains betray.Mine eyes fail for Your help, and for Your perfect word.Act kind to Your slave, and teach me Your Decrees.Give me sense, as Your slave, I shall know then Your,ProofS.Loan, the time is to act, for, see. they break Your Laws!But I love Your Orders, more than purest Gold.I go straight by Your Precepts, hate all crooked paths.Suuza 17.Your proofs are grand, so my soul for them seeks.Your Words give clear light to the greatest of minds._My mouth gasps rn thirst; as I seek for Your Rules.763IIQ120I2!I22I23I24I2§126127