The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 764

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Booz: VI. PsA1,M 1 xg. :32 Turn to me and be kind; I love Your Name and Laws. I33 134 I35 136 I37 138 I39 140 141 142 I43 X44 I45 146 X47 148 I49 150 151 152 I53 *54 155 156 IS7 158 X59 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 170 171 172 173 174 175 I77 Lead my steps by Your Words, and let no passion drive. Free me from tricky men, and I will guard Your Rules. Turn light on Your slave, and teach me Your Decrees. My eyes shed floods of tears, for some keep not Your Laws I Srlmzk 18. You are Righteous Loma, and right Your Decisions.

Your Goodness, Orders, Proofs, and Your Truth, very strong. My anger was burning, for my foes neglected Your Word. Your Truth well refined is, and so Your servant loves. I am small and am low, but forget not Your Rules. Your Right is always Right, and Your Laws are the Truth. I have met grief and woe, but I joy in Your Laws. Your Proofs are right for ever, they give sense and life. Snuza 19. I call with my whole heart; Loan, Your O.ders I seek. and I will guard Your Proofs, Before Dawn breaks I shout, for I trust on Your Word. Mine eyes outwatch the watch, to rehect on Your Truths. Kind Lord, hear my voice; Your Commandment revives. My hunters oppress,-——they keep far from Your Laws. You, Lord, are my friend, and all Your Orders right. I knew Your Proofs early; for they last for ever! Srmza zo. Look, answer, and help! for I leave not Your Laws. Plead my cause and redeem ;—-Your promises revive. The bad are not safe, for Your Rules they reject. Lord, Your Kindness was great; Your Decree has revived. A crowd pursue and vex, I swerve not from Your Proofs. I saw the rogues and moaned, for they guard not Your Words. I sought Your Plans, and loved; Loan, Your kindness revived. Right for ever l' Snuza 21. Princes chase without cause, but my heart fears Your Words. At Your Words I rejoice more than when finding wealth! I loathed and hate lies, because I loved Your Laws. I thank you every day, about Your good Decrees. They thrive who love Your Laws, but not those who offend. Lord, I wished for Your Help, so obeyed Your Commands. My life sees Your Proofs, which I love very much. I guard Your Plans, and Proofs, for You watch to my ways· Sunza *22. Loan, I meet You cheering, for I know your Word. Let my prayer come to You, redeem me as You said. My lips bubble thanks, for You taught me Your Rules. My tongue tells Your Words; for Your Orders are good I O ! let Your hand help, for on Your Plans I trust. LORD, I long for Your help, and I joy in Your Laws. My Soul revived thanks You who by Your Decree helped. A lost sheep I strayed,——but Your servant You sought. Who left not Your Commands. 764

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0764

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