Boox VII.
PsAr.Ms 142, 143.
PSALM 142.
3 ilzhctiun bg Qahih, iubzu Qc was in ily: Mah: nf Wycfilnly.
ST.mzA 1.
I shout with my voice to the LoRD,
With my voice to the LORD I appeal;
I pour out before Him my thoughts,
My troubles before Him report.
In my languor, my spirit lift up,
For to You my pathways are known;
They set traps on the road that I went,
I looked right, but I saw no release,
To me chance of Hyiug had failed,
From those who were hunting my life.
SrA1~:zA 2.
Then, LORD, I shouted to You,
Exclaimiug that You were my trust,
My support in the land where we live.
I am weak, so attend to my shout,
Release me ;·—~my hunters are stronger than I;
Bring out from my prison my soul,
To give praise to Yotm NAME.
The righteous will gather to me,
When to me You return.
Q Quint hg Ruhih.
SrA1~zzA 1.
Listen, O LoRD, to my prayer;
Attend my request in Your truth.
In Your justice give answer to me,
And let not Your slave be condemned 2
None living are perfect to You.
For my body the enemy hunts,
He strikes down my life to the earth.
Throws to darkness as if I were dead,
And my spirit within me is faint,
And my heart in my breast is depressed.
I think of the days of the past,
I meditate on all Your acts,
I reflect on the work of Your hands;
I spread out my hands towards. You,
My body to Yon, like earth's dust!
give the English Authorized Version as fairly
Vv. 5 To xo.
‘ Let the righteous smite me : it shall be
a kindness; and let him reprove me; it
will be an excellent oil: for yet my
prayer also shell be in their calamities.
‘ When their judges are overthrown in
stony places, they shall hear my words;
for t ey are sweet.
‘ Our bones are scattered at the grave's
mouth, as when one cutteth and heweth
wood upon the earth.
‘ But mine eyes are unto Thee, O Gon,
the Loan; in Thee is my trust : leave
not my soul destitute.
‘ Keep me from the snares which they
have laid for me, and the gins of the
wokrof ini
res quit . ‘ Let the wickedyfall into their own nets
—F. F,