The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 776
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
Booz; VII,Psmnms 143, 144 144a. PSALMS.IOI IIOSnmza 2.Make haste to answer me, LORD,For my spirit fails!Oh i hide not Your presence from me,When I am like sinking to death.Let me hear of Your mercy at dawn,For on You is my trust.Oh! teach me the road I should go,F or to You I have handed my life !Free me, O LORD, from my foes,With You let my shelter be found.Teach me to accomplish Your will;For Your spirit is pleasant, my GOD,It can lead to the land that is safe.For Your Name’s Sake, revive me, O LORD,Free my mind, by Your goodness from grief;Cut elf in Your mercy my foes,And destroy all who tortured my life,For I am Your slave.PSALM 144.Qg Qahih.S·1‘ANzA x.Bless Jmrovnx my Rock,Who taught my hands to iight,And my fingers to war!My hope, and my fortress,My high hill of retreat;My shield that I trust,Who to me brought my Tribe!STANZA 2.LORD, why should You teach man?Frai1ty's S0u,——and regard him?Man, the likeness of weakness,Whose days pass like a shade!SrANzA 3.Loma, bow the Skies and descend,Torch the hills and envelop in clouds,Flash splintering lightning on them,Shoot out Your arrows and break!Send Your hand from on high to set free,And pull from the powerful streams,From the sons of the foreigners hands,Whose speech is a treacherous word,And their right hand, a hand to deceive!PSALM r44A,13:: 3::il;2u: with ily: §fir¤t·fruiis.GOD, to You I will sing a New Song,With the harp at the Tything will chant,Who gave to our leaders success,From cruel swords saved your slave David lNOTE.•··PS3lII1 L4A. The verses following at the offering of Firsbfruits; therefore I marki ;V. 8 MB 3pp3.I'€Ilt y 3. separate pO€m to IIIGID 35 I44A.—··—F. F.Psalm I44, and formed an Anthem of praise776