The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 777

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boon VII. PsAx.Ms 144, 145. Freed from thc sons of the strangers, Whose mouth only treachery speaks, And their right hand, a hand to betray. That our sons may be young growing plants, Our girls fruitful crops, building Homes; Our gamers be full of supplies, Tens of thousands our flocks in our folds! Let our oxen be strong for their work, And we free from assault and attack. And free from the shrieking of Bight! How happy the Race who are thus, How happy the People whose GOD is THE LtFB. PSALM 145. 1 §rngz1· uf @¤hih’¤. Sranza r. Arise up, my Gon and my King l-- Your Power for ever I bless, I daily will bless, and will praise, For ever and ever Your NAME. Sranza 2. The Gunn Loxn is worthy of praise, His grandeur is passing research, Age shows to Age of Your works, SupremeI Of your Majesty, Power, and Might, I will think,——and Your wonderful Acts; Of Your Power and glory they tell; And Your sublime nature recount; The record they spread of Your Goodness, And they of Your rectitude sing. Srauza 3. The LORD is forbearing and kind; Slow to wroth, and His pity great! The LORD is in every way good, And His mercy is on all He made. All Your works praise You, G LORD, And Your sanctified, offer You thanks, Of Your Regal Honour they tell, And speak of Your Power Supreme; To teach Adam's sons of Your grandeur, Andthe glorious light of Your realm ;—-· Your realm in the Kingdom Eternal l And Your rule in all ages of time! Srlmza 4 The Loan supports, all who are falling And those who have allen, picks up. All the hungry eyes wait upon You, And You give their food in its time. You open Your bountiful hand, And iill all living creatures with joy! The LORD is in all His ways just, And gentle to all He has made! The Loan comes to all who will call, To all-who call for Him in truth. I-Ie delights to see all He has made, And he hears and will help when they shout; Let all who love Him heed the LORD, For He will destroy all the Bad. 777 ll I2 I0 I I I2 r3 A! x6 18 zo
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0777

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