The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 778

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boox VII. 145, 146, 147, 147A, 147n. PSALMS. Z1 I0 Euvov. My mouth proclaims, Praise to the LORD, And Hrs N AME let all living things bless And for ever and ever adore. PSALM 146. S1·ANz.4 1. Come praise the LIFE ! Myself, andmy Soul, praise the LORD, The Loran I will praise while I live, 1 for ever will chant to my Gon. Srmza z. Put not your trust upon Princes; Adam's son has no power to aid l His breath goes, and he rests in the ground, And then all his splendour departs! He is blest who calls on ]acob’s Help, Who relies on the L01u> Gon of him; Who made sky, and earth, and the sea; And everything that they contain, And whose promise for ever is kept. And He, against tyrants decrees ; He gives to the iamishmg, bread, The Loma also prisoners frees, The LORD gives the blind-renewed sight The LORD helps the lame; The LORD loves the good; The Loran guardsthe stranger; Aids Orphan, and Widow;

But roughens the path of the Bad I Envoy. The LORD reigns for ever! Your Gon, Zion, always exists, Bless THE Luz! PSALM 147. $1t krilyzm. Bless THE Linn, who isfsoodness, and chant to our GOD For His- praise is pleasant andsweet. PSALM I47A. git Zhtibzm nf the yizpzrszh. LORD, re—bui1d jerusalem; Restore scattered Israel ; Heal the broken in heart, And set their broken bones. PSALM I4’]B. Qu Qhtilyzm an tbz ¥UiU2£ uf mh. He settled the number of Stars; He calls every one by their names, Our Prince, great in Power and Might; Whose intellect none can record; The LORD who will lift up the feeble, But flings the Bad down to the groundl 778

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