Boox VII. 145, 146, 147, 147A, 147n. PSALMS.
My mouth proclaims, Praise to the LORD,
And Hrs N AME let all living things bless
And for ever and ever adore.
PSALM 146.
S1·ANz.4 1.
Come praise the LIFE !
Myself, andmy Soul, praise the LORD,
The Loran I will praise while I live,
1 for ever will chant to my Gon.
Srmza z.
Put not your trust upon Princes;
Adam's son has no power to aid l
His breath goes, and he rests in the ground,
And then all his splendour departs!
He is blest who calls on ]acob’s Help,
Who relies on the L01u> Gon of him;
Who made sky, and earth, and the sea;
And everything that they contain,
And whose promise for ever is kept.
And He, against tyrants decrees ;
He gives to the iamishmg, bread,
The Loma also prisoners frees,
The LORD gives the blind-renewed sight
The LORD helps the lame;
The LORD loves the good;
The Loran guardsthe stranger;
Aids Orphan, and Widow;
But roughens the path of the Bad I
The LORD reigns for ever!
Your Gon, Zion, always exists,
Bless THE Luz!
PSALM 147.
$1t krilyzm.
Bless THE Linn, who isfsoodness, and chant to our GOD
For His- praise is pleasant andsweet.
git Zhtibzm nf the yizpzrszh.
LORD, re—bui1d jerusalem;
Restore scattered Israel ;
Heal the broken in heart,
And set their broken bones.
Qu Qhtilyzm an tbz ¥UiU2£ uf mh.
He settled the number of Stars;
He calls every one by their names,
Our Prince, great in Power and Might;
Whose intellect none can record;
The LORD who will lift up the feeble,
But flings the Bad down to the groundl