Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 784
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PROVERBS.3--224-13222628333435‘S0n I let them not slip from your eyes,Seek Enterprise joined with Good-sense,For they are the life of your soul,And they will add grace to your neck.You then can walk forward in safety,And your footsteps will never be caught;If sleeping, you will not feel terror,Nor the rush of the storm when it comes.-For the LORD will be still your supporter,And guarding your feet from a fall.®u ibn Qifz nf §rnriirul Qirluz.° Withheld not your help from the needy,When GOD gives your hand power to do ;Say not to your friend, ‘Go away,Tomorrow I'll give} when you have lContrive not a wrong to your neighbour,When he trustfully rests at your side.‘ Assail not a msn for a tride,Except in return for a wrong.To be like the villain desire not,And never delight in his ways.For the Loan has disgust at the scoundrel,But the honest have Him for a. friend.‘ The LORD curses the house of the bad,But blesses the home of the good.With scorners, He is Himself scornful,But gives to the youthful His grace.I`he Wise will inherit respect,But the Fools will reside in contempt!aitih rmztimxzs §is Ezssmxz in Sulummz, relatzh ln; iliim in1112§i¤ uhm Suit.Listen, sons, to a fathers instruction,And reflection atteutively learn ;For good doctrine I utter to you,So never abandon my rules.For I was my fathers dear son,Who because of my mother he loved,So he taught me himself, and he said,-—‘Now let your heart cling to my wordsRegard my instructions and live.Get Wisdom ; and get Understanding,Nor forget her, nor swerve from her speech,Nor abandon; and then she will guard;And love her,-——end she will preserve.Let Wisdom be first; purchase wisdom :And Reflection with all you possess;Exalt her,—-—-and she will exalt you,And honour you, when you salute;Place a beautiful wreath on your head,And give a magnificent crown.Listen, son, and attend to my words,They will add to the years of your life.‘I teach you the pathways of Wisdom;I direct to the srnoothest ot roads,Where, walking, your foot will not stumble,And if running you will not fall down.Seize Instruction, and let her not go,Keep her fast; because she is your life.784